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Vladimir heavy breed. Vladimir heavy-duty breed of horses (Vladimir heavy truck): photo, description, history of origin

This is a fairly unpretentious horse, able to live both in a stud farm and in a herd.

At the same time, Vladimir heavy trucks retained in their appearance similarities with their closest ancestors - shiers and kledesdesaly. This is a large growth, some features of the exterior (for example, relatively long legs), an abundance of white marks and a strong overgrowth of the legs.

Origin: Russia
Color: bay, red, black
Height at withers: 1, 55 - 1, 65 m
Usage: heavy team, Russian troika

Breed Basics

The Vladimir heavy truck is a breed of large heavy trucks (height at the withers - 165 cm), bred in the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions (Gavrilovo-Posad state breeding nursery) by crossing local large-sized peasant horses with addendums, shires and, to a lesser extent, suffolks and some others. The new breed is officially registered in 1946. Vladimir heavy trucks are characterized by dryness, mobility, light free movements on the step and trot, energetic temperament, dense, sometimes rude constitution. The color is mostly bay, less often black, often with large marks on the head and limbs. Highly developed legs. The mane, bangs and tail are thick, lush.

On the ancient, primordially Russian lands of the Vladimir Opole, a good workhorse has long been famous. In such large industrial centers as Moscow, Vladimir, and Yaroslavl, there was great demand for large draft horses, and for processing fairly fertile, but heavy soils, it had to be strong and hardy. Back in the first quarter of the 18th century, a breeder stud farm was organized in Gavrilovo-Posad, in which heavy harnessed horses were raised. The improvement of the local continent was facilitated by the creation in 1886 of the Gavrilo-Posad State Factory Stable (HES). Initially, it was equipped with stallions stallions of the horse and trotting direction.

Then the stallions of heavy-breed breeds began to arrive - Arden, Percherons and Suffolks. Since 1901, they began to be supplanted by the English heavy trucks - kledesdale, and since 1910 - shires. Stallions of these breeds were widely used in mating with local peasant mares. Thus, in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the Gavrilo-Posad HES by the beginning of the 3rd years a large mass of large, heavy horses, sufficient for breeding, had formed. Since that time, breeding work has begun on 98 collective and state farm farms to consolidate the type of heavy horse obtained by the method of reproductive crossing. The activities of these farms led Gavrilo - Posad state nursery. The work ended with the breeding of a new breed of horses, which in 1946 was officially approved and was called the Vladimir heavy truck.

Modern horses of Vladimir breed are distinguished by their large stature, strong constitution, harmonious physique, well-developed muscles, a pronounced type of harness horse and energetic temperament. They have a long head with a convex profile, a muscular neck, a long high withers, a long broad back and croup. Their legs are long, correctly set, with well-developed joints and medium height. The color is dominated by bay, rarely black and red, with white marks on the legs and head. The step is long and free, the lynx is good. The stallions have measurements (cm): height at the withers -165, oblique body length - 173, chest circumference - 207, metacarpus - 24, 5; their live weight is 760 kg, mares - 680 kg.

Horses of the Vladimir heavy-breed breed are hardy to work with, they differ from other large heavy-duty vehicles in considerable mobility and energy. The record for urgent cargo delivery at a trot set on Vladimir heavy trucks is also an absolute record for heavy trucks of all breeds. The improvement of the breed is carried out by the purebred breeding method. Several lines are highlighted in it, including Cast, Lily of the Valley, Cold, Glen Albin, Argus, Sheriff and, in addition, several female families.

Without cargo, the Vladimir heavy truck is so frisky that, despite being very massive, many representatives of the breed can trot 1600 m in 3 minutes, which is the standard of agility for two-year-old trotters in Russia. With a load of 1.5 tons, the Vladimir heavy truck can trot a distance of 2 km in 5 minutes or even faster. The mighty and beautiful Vladimir triples are very popular.

In addition to its main purpose - the transport of heavy goods - Vladimir heavy trucks served as good improvers for horses on collective farms and state farms. The main method of pedigree work with the Vladimir breed of horses is purebred breeding along lines using inbreeding to the outstanding ancestors and crosses of well-combined lines. The main lines are Colds (Border Brand - Chimera, 1925), Cast (Lord James - Tavlinka, 1923), Glen Elbin (Eschenflower - Bells Peggy, 1923) and Capitene (Talma - Nita, 1924).

Vladimir heavy trucks are quite early and fertile. At 3 years old, stallions and mares happen, at the same age they begin to work for them. Under normal conditions of feeding and keeping, the yield of foals reaches 75–80%. Horses are well adapted to local conditions and unpretentious.


The Vladimir breed was created on the pedigree farms of collective farms and state farms of the Vladimir and Ivanovo regions as a result of the activities of the Gavrilovo-Posad State Factory Stable and the Gavrilovo-Posad State Pedigree Horse Breeding Center. Officially registered in 1946.

The Vladimir breed was bred by crossing local horses with addendums and shires. The greatest role in the formation of the breed was played by glue sticks, of which Lord James, bay, 1910, Border Brand, dark bay, 1910, and Glen Albin, bay, 1923, which became the main ancestors of the breed, were especially valuable.

Kleidesdale is a breed of heavy trucks in England. The organization of the Society of Horse Breeders and the publication of the studentbook (1877-1878) laid the foundation for the approval of the Kledesdal breed in its modern type. Exhibitions of breeding horses contributed to the formation of the type of breed, combining large growth, great weight, energy in work and elegant forms. Selection and selection in this direction was supported by abundant feeding of breeding young animals. The live weight of clay makers is from 900 to 1100 kg. Measurements: height 165-172 cm, chest circumference 190-202 cm, metacarpal circumference 25-28 cm.

Cladedesals are energetic, possess productive movements on the move and trot. They are characterized by a massive head with a convex profile, a long neck, an elongated, not too wide body, an obliquely set shoulder blade, relatively long limbs and well-developed muscles. The peculiar features of the exterior of the glue makers are the thick overgrowth of the legs (friezes) and the dark bay color with white marks of the head and limbs. There are shortcomings: a soft back, flat ribs, a shallow body.

Shires, whose nicknames are found in the pedigrees of Vladimir heavy carriers in more distant ranks of their ancestors, mainly on the female side, had a significantly smaller impact on the formation of the Vladimir breed.

The Shire breed is the oldest and most widespread breed of large heavy trucks in England. The consolidation of the breed and the formation of its type began with the organization of the Shire Breeding Society (1878), which began to systematically publish pedigree books and organize horse shows. At the exhibitions, tribal stallions, mares, young animals and geldings were shown.

Shire breed horses are very large and massive, stallion growth varies from 165 to 175 cm, live weight 1000-1100 kg.

Shire head is big; the neck is thick; withers low, wide; the back is broad, muscular, strong; the lower back is short; croup wide, somewhat drooping, with good musculature; the chest is voluminous, rounded ribs; the legs are striking in their thickness, the impression of which is enhanced by large friezes - long hair growing from the wrists and hocks and covering the legs to the ground. The most common color is bay, black and red with large white marks on the legs and head. Shire's temperament is calm. When demonstrating at exhibitions, they show a high carrying capacity.

The maternal basis of the Vladimir breed of heavy trucks was local horses, which gave the breed such valuable qualities as adaptability to local conditions and endurance in work.

Measurements of stallions: 165 - 173 - 207 - 24, 5; measurements of mares: 162, 7 - 169, 8 - 198, 3 - 23, 5.
The average live weight of horse mares is 685 kg, the live weight of stallions is 758 kg.

The exterior of Vladimir heavy trucks is characterized by: a large, long head with a convex profile; the neck is long, muscular; withers high, long; the back is wide, often somewhat soft; the croup is long, wide, bifurcated, slightly drooping or of a normal inclination; the chest is wide; legs are long, dry. Some horses exhibit significant clumping of legs (friezes) and a tendency to develop biting midges. The coat is bay, rarely black or red with white markings of the legs and head; energetic temperament; movements on the step and lynxes are sweeping, free. Horses of Vladimir breed are hardy to work with, go well not only in steps, but also at a trot.

The mighty and beautiful Vladimir triples are very popular.

Vladimir heavy trucks are quite early and fertile. At 3 years old, stallions and mares happen, at the same age they begin to work for them. Under normal conditions of feeding and keeping, the yield of foals reaches 75-80%. Horses are well adapted to local conditions and unpretentious

For heavy field and household work, as well as the transportation of large loads, a massive breed of horses, which was called heavy-duty, was specially bred. People call such animals "heavy trucks" and the most famous of them is Vladimir bay. This horse has unique natural data and distinctive external features; its versatility is used in agriculture and other industries.

  Vladimir heavy truck - the history of the appearance of the domestic breed

In the days of the Russian Empire, the question arose of the need to breed a special breed of horses that would cope with heavy loads. During this period, all the hard work was carried out mainly by ordinary, albeit hardy and strong species of these animals, and all of them came mainly from the Vladimir region, namely in Gavrilov Posad.

At the end of the 18th century, they began to actively engage in breeding heavy-duty horses. For this, the corresponding breeds were brought from Europe - Belgian Arden, French Perchers, English suffolk and Shire. A little later in the selection began to apply and Scottish kledesdesal. All the work of specialists came down to crossing these foreign species with local, outbred mares, which themselves were distinguished by powerful physical data and endurance.

However, the selection for decades was unsystematic and somewhat chaotic, interesting crossbreeds appeared, but it was not possible to breed a complete breed. This happened already in the days of the Soviet Union, when Gavrilovsky Posad was renamed the Gosplemrassadnik, and the new scientists were given a clear task to systematize and typify the developments in the archive. And in 1946, a new breed was officially registered - the Vladimir heavy truck.

These horses for many years have become indispensable helpers in agriculture and the army. They also played a special role in rebuilding the country in the postwar years, at a time when heavy equipment, tractors and machines were sorely lacking. And although the active mechanization of all industries began in the 60s, massive and at the same time graceful animals were used for their intended purpose until the beginning of the 70s, and in some farms they are still present.

  Characteristic and description of a heavy horse

Outwardly, this animal is practically no different from its foreign ancestors. They are large, powerful, tall, and the description of their dimensions exceeds absolutely all other heavy-duty breeds, which were also bred in Vladimir, Ivanovo, Smolensk and other regions of the country.

Height and height at the withers is on average 165-167 cm. Chest girth is from 190 to 210 cm. The weight of adult stallions reaches 760-780 kilograms, mares weigh 585-600 kg. Horses have a large head, a convex profile, a powerful neck and a long back with a wide lower back. The main distinguishing feature of the breed are powerful, bony legs with an almost perfect and graceful setting. And the lush vegetation in the lower limb speaks of the active use in the selection of Scottish and English breeds.

The vast majority of Vladimir heavy carriers belong to the bay suit, although representatives of black and red horses had previously met. The hair of animals is very thick, especially on the mane and tail, while it is quite short, it looks like a horse like big plush toys, such associations often arise among those who first saw them.

All the "Vladimir" are active and energetic, while the character is dominated by friendliness and complaisance. Despite their enormous size, the stallions ripen quickly and are completely ready for breeding by the age of 3 years. By the same age, they are already being used in agricultural work or as a reliable horse-drawn transport.

  Overview of the nature and performance of animals

This type of animal is bred exclusively for hard physical work. According to official and registered data, the heavy truck easily covers a distance of 2 kilometers with a load of 1.5 tons in 5-6 minutes. It runs the same mileage with a 4.5-ton wagon with a step in 12-13 minutes.

These indicators are experimental, ordinary horses are not subjected to such significant loads, although their potential and capabilities are obvious. Another feature is the persistence and devotion of these animals to their master. They are indifferent to weather conditions, if they get the installation, they will transport the goods in the rain, and in the cold, and in unbearable heat.

But in addition to endurance, heavy Vladimir citizens are unpretentious in leaving, and this was also part of the strategy to remove them.

It was necessary to bring not only large animals, but also to make sure that they calmly ate feeds and products of low quality.

Despite the formidable appearance, most have a docile and very calm character. Difficulties in communication can arise only with young animals, foals often demonstrate their temper, but affection and proper attitude quickly adjust their behavior.

  Advantages and disadvantages of the breed in various conditions

Like any other species horse, the Vladimir heavy truck has its advantages and disadvantages, although there are many more first qualities.

Among the most obvious and characteristic advantages of this breed are distinguished such as:

  • High efficiency. Not a single horse of another breed can cope with so much cargo and can handle difficult soils like the technicians or “Vladimirites” do, who still successfully replace heavy vehicles in some private farms.
  • Endurance. Of course, this horse will not be able to compete in speed with Alhatekins or purebred stallions of English breeds, but in terms of endurance, it surpasses them many times. It will easily pass twice as much as the rest of the distance with the cart or sleigh and will do so in any climatic conditions.
  • Unpretentiousness in leaving. Compared with its ancestors of European heavy-duty breeds, the Vladimer is content with low quality feed and elementary conditions of detention.

Along with the working features, these horses have a beautiful and interesting appearance. A magnificent mane, coupled with graceful "tassels" on the limbs and a powerful body that gives these horses brutality, and the beauty of the move is an additional charm of these beautiful animals. Heavy trucks harnessed to decorated carriages look especially interesting, they like to be photographed with them and put their image on postcards.

Among the shortcomings, horse breeders distinguish low riding qualities due to the large size and low speed abilities. But this breed is grown for completely different purposes, and these disadvantages are more than covered by the above pluses.

  Proper care and maintenance of horses of this breed

"Vladimir" are well adapted to living conditions and do not require special treatment. For this they are appreciated among horse breeders and amateurs. But in order for stallions and fillies to be healthy and faithfully fulfill their functions, they need to provide the maximum possible comfort in a specific environment and a balanced diet.

Horses should always be well-groomed and clean. Regular walks and fresh air are required when growing this breed. They are very energetic and mobile and were originally created for hard physical labor, so they need to be given the opportunity to throw out their energy under certain loads. It is impossible that they, especially foals, stagnate in their stables.

If "Vladimirites" are used daily for work, then in the summertime in the evening they must be bathed with a hose or shower, and cleaned in the dry way in winter. Periodic inspection of the veterinarian in this case is highly desirable. The horses are fed with hay and grass, but they are sure to add grain feeds and vitamin supplements to the diet.

It is in grain crops that the energy necessary for a heavy truck to contain complex loads is contained. But you can’t overfeed animals with such food, as this will lead to problems with the digestive system. The standard rate for an ordinary horse is increased by 1.5 times, this will be the optimal amount of cereal for feeding.

Everything must be balanced. The norm of vitamins and pure water is also increased in proportion to the dimensions. It will be useful to first consult with a specialist in horse breeding in order to maintain the health and performance of the stallions as long as possible.

  Breeding and scope at the present stage

These horses are still used in some private farms in various regions of the country. However, the massive need for certain industries to have these truly “iron” horses has long passed, which gradually led to a serious decrease in the number of livestock.

Work on selection and improvement of the breed is underway now, but there are practically no purebred uterine specimens left, no more than 100-120 uterus and 20-30 healthy producers. Therefore, many experts are sounding the alarm about the future of this domestic type of horses, the breed is actually on the verge of extinction.

Saves the situation only a striking appearance and athletic data of these animals. Selection laboratories are working to improve these very indicators. The Vladimir heavy truck is increasingly used in the tourism sector for various crossings and sport hunting.

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplication is city parks and squares. The spectacular appearance and the complaisant nature of the horses make it possible to dress them up and harness them with beautiful carriages, in which the townspeople and city visitors willingly ride and actively take pictures against their background. In recent years, sports competitions in heavy animals have also gained popularity, and they are used both in the disciplines of cargo transportation and in speed racing.

Beauty combined with high strength makes this breed unique and amazing, therefore, Vladimir heavy trucks definitely have prospects to continue to please their few domestic owners.

Especially for the transportation of heavy goods, people brought out heavy-duty breeds of horses, which the people call heavy trucks.

Today we will consider detailed information about one of these breeds - the Vladimir heavy truck, namely, the general characteristics of the horse, the scope of its use and the features of keeping it at home.

Breed history

The Vladimir breed was bred on the basis of Kleidesdale, for this the best representatives of purebred French and English breeds were brought. The first results in the withdrawal of the Vladimir heavy truck were obtained in 1886, when the opening of the Gavrilovo-Posad Stable took place. Thoroughbred breed was recognized in 1946.

general characteristics

As a result of the huge breeding work, it turns out to create completely unique horses that differ not only in external characteristics and productive indicators, but also in character, which also plays an important role for breeders when choosing a breed for home keeping. Therefore, we consider in more detail the information about Vladimir heavy trucks.


The main feature of this breed is the large size of individuals. Their average weight is 900 kg, but most often - 1–1.2 tons. The height at the withers is 170 cm, the length of the body is 175 cm, the width of the chest is at least 2 m. The horse has a fairly long metacarpus (about 30 cm), compared to other heavy-breed breeds. The animal has a massive and convex skull, the neck is long.
  The body is wide and muscular, the shoulder blades are oblique, the legs are very developed and long. The color dominates bay and red, but you can also meet brown and black heavy trucks. Wide white “stockings” are located on the lower part of the legs; light marks are also visible on the animal’s head. Representatives of this breed have a fairly thick, but short hair, the mane and tail are also long and thick.

Did you know? Other horse breeds are much inferior to Vladimir heavy trucks in terms of strength and speed: in 5 minutes the animal is able to cover a distance of 2 km with a load of 1.5 tons.


The individuals of the Vladimir heavy truck are very energetic, good-natured and friendly. They feel great both in the bustle of the city and in a quiet village. They are not afraid of people's curiosity; the horse behaves in a balanced and calm manner. These animals are in good contact with children, recognize and obey the occasion, so they are often used for horseback riding in tourism.

Making contact with animals will not be very difficult, so they can quickly be accustomed to hard work. Also, heavy trucks are very hardy, strong and used to performing difficult tasks.

Advantages and disadvantages

  Among the advantages of a heavy truck are:

  • universality: in addition to performing heavy work, the animal can be used for riding, as it has energy, sophistication and grace;
  • maximum endurance and strength;
  • calm and flexible character;
  • the duration of effective use in work is at least 20 years;
  • high yield of foals from mares;
  • high performance in all weather conditions.
  The disadvantages of the breed include:
  • the presence of a soft back, a shallow body and flat ribs;
  • average mobility, in connection with the structural features of the body.

Field of activity

Despite the fact that the breed is heavy, the scope of use of these horses is quite wide. Often they are used for transportation of goods and agricultural work. Competitions of the Vladimir triples, which are often held on holidays at hippodromes or private stables, are also gaining popularity.

The demand for this breed among firms that organize horseback riding is increasing. The breed is also used for breeding purposes, since the Vladimir heavy truck collected all the best qualities necessary for breeding individuals with good characteristics. Representatives of this breed are also bought for riding, hunters are especially interested.

The rooms in which animals will be kept can be separate, they are called a stall, or combined - a stall. As for the stall, it is very easy to care for it, it is as spacious as possible and comfortable for animals.

Important! If the stall has an incorrect layout, the animal will be completely isolated from other individuals, as a result of which it will become aggressive and may even completely refuse food.

The cheapest way is to keep animals in a stall - a common room that has separate fenced places for each individual. In the stall, horses are next to each other, so they do not experience a lack of communication with each other. The disadvantage of the stall is the difficulty in cleaning the premises and the problematic keeping of animals in the winter. In winter, you cannot ventilate the room for a long time, due to weather conditions and low temperatures, so stagnant air often provokes the development of diseases in horses.
In the stall, if at least one individual gets sick, the infection will most likely spread to the entire room and other animals will also get sick. To avoid such a situation, horses are kept in stalls in winter, so sick animals will be isolated from healthy ones and they will not be able to get infected.

To make horses feel comfortable, the height of the room in which they will be kept should be at least 3 m, it is recommended to provide a large ceiling height, if possible, so the air will be better ventilated. When building stalls for 1 heavy truck, it is necessary to allocate a room of 5 square meters. During the day, the maximum amount of sunlight should get into the stable, so it is recommended to install more windows.

Important! If horses feel a lack of sunlight, this can cause visual impairment.

It is necessary to provide good ventilation in the stable, without drafts, for this, small windows for ventilation are installed under the roof of the building.

As for the floor of the stable, it can be made of wood or concrete. More durable is concrete, in which gutters are easily equipped to drain excess fluid.
The optimum temperature in the stable in winter is +8 ... + 11 ° С. A temperature higher than these indicators is undesirable, since a sharp difference in temperature on the street and indoors negatively affects the health and well-being of animals. The horses are cold-tolerated quite well, but still should not be below +3 ° C in the stable.

In summer, it is not particularly possible to regulate the air temperature, therefore it is recommended to carry out regular ventilation and frequent cleaning of manure in order to avoid the development of infectious diseases. If the stable is located on the sunny side, it is recommended to cover the windows with a light cloth so that the animals are not very hot, since overheating is very dangerous for the health of horses.

  Sawdust and straw are well suited for flooring in the stable.  It is recommended to pour a lot of sawdust on the concrete floor, up to 5 cm in thickness, sprinkle with straw over the sawdust, so that moisture that gets on the floor will linger in the upper layers of the flooring, which will greatly simplify the cleaning process.
   The feeders in the stalls should be made of metal or wood, which is covered with tin. Tanks can be angled or protruding into the corridor. The feeders must have rounded outside corners so that they are easy to clean and disinfect. Drinking bowls should be metal and installed at a height of 1 m from the floor.


In order for the horse to be healthy, it is necessary to take care of it regularly. First of all, take care of the cleanliness of the coat, mane and tail. They are combed for hair growth with a special plastic comb for horses. The mane and tail can be treated with special sprays so that they are less confused during combing.

  • not be placed near the horse's legs;
  • perform all movements smoothly;
  • don't get behind.

   It is recommended to wash the horse as it gets dirty, tentatively - once a week. For washing, water of room temperature is used so that the procedure does not cause discomfort to the animal. It is recommended to wash the legs every day, after the horse carries out housework, this will protect the most mobile parts of the body from edema and inflammation, as well as wash away all the dirt.

  A mandatory element of horse care is cleaning your hooves.  The procedure can be done independently or periodically seek help from a professional. From hooves dirt, pebbles and everything that got there is cleaned. The procedure is performed using a special hoof care hook.

Also, during the cleaning process, the hooves are carefully examined, and if cracks, injuries or traces of dermatitis are found, they must contact the veterinarian for advice and for the necessary assistance.
   The condition of the teeth affects the general well-being of the animal, therefore they are regularly examined to identify diseases, infections and other problems that may cause discomfort to the pet. Every 6 months it is recommended to invite a veterinarian to conduct a professional examination, and if problems are identified, he should prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Crib Cleaning

Daily cleaning in the stable is the key to the health of horses, therefore, it should not be neglected. Before cleaning the territory, it is imperative that animals be removed from the premises. First of all, during the cleaning process, manure is collected using a shovel and transported outside the premises. Then the wet litter is separated from the dry - this is most easily done with a pitchfork, especially if straw was used as the litter. It is better to take out the feeder and the drinking bowl outside the stall, clean it well from food debris with a hard brush and rinse with warm water. Sweep the floor into the stable and sprinkle it with fresh sawdust or straw.

Important! An adult is able to defecate 12 times a day and excrete 7 liters of urine per day, so daily cleaning can protect the animal from the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in waste and infection by the body.

Food and water

An adult specimen of the breed Vladimir heavy truck should consume 8 kg of oats, 16 kg of hay, 2 kg of bran and 5 kg of carrots daily. Fruits or vegetables are sure to be added to the diet, which will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Each individual is provided with salt in briquettes, which the animal consumes daily.
   Horses are fed 3 times a day, but regular access to hay is a prerequisite for normal existence. This need is associated with the constant production of gastric juice in the body, which is capable of injuring the mucous membrane and provoking the development of ulcers. To prevent this from happening, horses provide an opportunity to constantly chew hay. If the animal works all day, then it is necessary to feed it every 2 hours and take short breaks for roughage. After the animal has been fed oats or concentrates, it should rest for an hour.

Proper organization of animal watering means providing free access to water. One individual is able to consume 80 liters of water per day. Be sure to give the horse water every time before oats will be fed. Do not neglect horse watering in the winter.

   Since the winter diet consists mainly of dry food, animals need to drink enough liquid for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Did you know? Heavy trucks are driven out only for work, as they are not suitable for the production of meat or dairy products. Despite the generally accepted fact, Vladimir mares have a high milk content and produce no less milk than individuals of dairy breeds.

Thus, the Vladimir heavy truck is an excellent breed of horses, which is suitable not only for performing tasks that are impossible for humans, but also for riding. To keep such a horse, you don’t need to create special conditions, the animal is not picky and perfectly lives in ordinary stables and uses the same food as horses of other breeds.

The Vladimir heavy truck is a fairly large horse that has natural features of appearance, advantages and disadvantages. The breed of these horses is suitable for home breeding and breeding, so breeders prefer it.

Vladimir heavy truck is very popular among breeders

It is not difficult to remain satisfied with the breeders - you will select this breed for breeding, as it has many positive characteristics. There are no global flaws in these horses, which attracts the attention of breeders and professional breeders.

External characteristics

If we consider the weight of these horses, then this figure is in the range of 900-1200 kg. Each individual is large enough and tall.

The head is massive, it looks expressive in terms of its profile, wide neck. The body of the representative of the breed is wide, has oblique-type shoulder blades, long well-developed and massive limbs.

Vladimir heavy truck is characterized by good muscles developed by nature, which are pronounced in the region of the croup, a strong back. Often on legs there are wide snow-white "stockings". A distinctive characteristic is that the color is predominantly bright red and saturated bay. But you can meet the heavy trucks of this breed, which have a black or brown coat.

Vladimir heavy truck has powerful muscles

Breed benefits

The advantages of these horses are that this breed is one of the most prestigious and valuable heavy-duty breeds. Even by the natural appearance of the breed, one can immediately imagine how much strength is in this horse. Horse Benefits:

  • A strong and balanced constitution allows you to perform work that is not subject to man.
  • It combines impressive natural features: amazing strength, innate beauty, natural industriousness, increased energy.
  • Vladimir heavy truck is a harmonious synthesis of all the characteristics that are inherent only to worthy breeds.
  • Always shows some refinement and grace, which are not inherent in other large horses.
  • The universality of the animal was achieved through a combination of physical characteristics and behavior.

The characteristics of the Vladimir heavy truck make it a universal horse

Disadvantages of the breed

Yes, these horses, like other breeds, have flaws that are not inherent in every individual:

  • Shallow body with flat ribs and a slightly soft back. But this is not able to eradicate the fact that the Vladimir heavy truck is one of the best in its physical condition.
  • Medium mobility, as physical features simply do not make it possible to move very fast.

There are practically no shortcomings in the breed, since everything directly depends on the individual characteristics of each horse. If correctly and skillfully developing the horse itself, it will perform many functions that you assign to it. It would not be difficult for her to use tremendous physical strength for the benefit of agriculture or other areas of activity.

Horse character

You should not focus on the size of the horse and its threatening appearance, since character is the real and complete opposite of these characteristics. Both geldings and even mares are distinguished by a rather calm and balanced character. This type of horse gets used to the owner very well and treats teams obediently.

Problems sometimes arise when the owner is negative and bad about his pet.

Any Vladimir heavy truck can get used to work as quickly as possible - you do not need to take a supernatural approach.

Vladimir heavy truck - obedient horse

The horse is energetic, it happens that young individuals do not obey their masters, but soon the temper pacifies and even the slightest trace remains of obstinacy. Your main task is to treat the animal gently and affectionately.


Vladimir heavy truck has certain features and distinctive characteristics. A breed without resistance can actively work in any weather. You can work in extreme heat, in the rain, if necessary. Your horse will not be stopped by an external factor of a negative nature, manifested in reasonable measures.

The breed is suitable for breeders, as it is ideal in terms of breeding new breeds that are in demand. This breed gave rise to heavy trucks in demand in different directions, which are in demand and relevant for farmers.

The breed has improved itself, which made it possible to adapt horses to modern needs, which are becoming stricter every year.

Surprising is the fact that the breed is not used standardly. This type of heavy truck is used for hunting. Such a breed becomes an ideal companion and assistant, in which every owner is confident.

A heavy truck reveals itself in the best guises, which is what a hunter needs. Horses are characterized by a calm and balanced character, they are absolutely not shy. The horse trusts you, so you will gain confidence in the successful outcome and outcome of your favorite hunt.

Vladimirsky heavy truck is a large breed of horses related to heavy-duty. The species was bred on the territory of the USSR. The horse played a large role in the restoration of agriculture in the postwar years.

Selling horses involved in many farmers in the former Soviet Union.

It is closely related to the Shires and Kledesdale. These ancestors endowed the horse with characteristic qualities that have been preserved in the exterior of the heavy truck so far.

Modern representatives of the breed have a strong physique of a horse harness. The muscles are well developed, proportionate. Tribal animals have an energetic, "lively" temperament.

Characteristic features of the breed:

Gallery: Vladimir heavy truck (25 photos)

Vladimir horses are very hardy, energetic and active in work. Russian heavy truck is  the absolute record holder for the range of heavy cargo transportation. With a load of one and a half tons, a two-year-old trotter overcomes one and a half kilometers in three minutes, which is a good result.

Without cargo, a heavy truck can cover a distance of one and a half kilometers in a record 3 minutes. Despite its heaviness, this breed is quite frisky.

Horses of this breed are well adapted to the climate and conditions of Russian agriculture.

The improvement of the breed occurs by breeding purebred individuals. In the breed there several tribal lines, including:

  • Lily of the Valley Line
  • Sheriff
  • Cold
  • Some female families.


Vladimir heavy truck perfectly combines such qualities as perseverance, confidence and energy.

At the same time, the horses are calm and balanced. Despite their large size, these animals are peaceful and obedient. Teams unquestioningly execute both geldings and mares.

To any kind of work heavy truck adjusts quickly. Even young animals do not need special training and education. Young stallions may distinguish themselves by disobedience, but soon temperament is pacified, and obstinacy is replaced by remarkable disability.

Vladimir horses are very sensitive, therefore the attitude of the owner plays an important role in achieving good results.

Breeding goal  It was the creation of a horse that could work in difficult weather conditions, and also easily adapted to a low-quality diet. Breeders managed to develop a species that, as it improved, would satisfy the needs of both farmers and breeders. The activity of the horses pleased even hunters who use heavyweights on hikes.

The breed is unpretentious to conditions. If necessary, the horse will work without resistance in any weather and at any adequate temperature: in rain or heat.

It includes the basic rules: care, feeding and rest. In addition to high-quality nutrition, horses plowing heavily need additional vitamin bait and mineral supplements.

The basis of the diet of Vladimir horses is grass - fresh or dried, depending on the season. Cereals are the second most important ingredient. A heavy truck consumes one and a half times more grain than other breeds, however, it is necessary to ensure that excess cereals do not harm the digestive system of the animal.

Vitamin bait is necessary, but, like with cereals, you need to know the measure. Hypervitaminosis can cause serious disorders in the body.

Another key to a horse’s well-being  - fresh air in large quantities. Field work not only keeps the horse fit, but also strengthens the immune system. The breed was bred specifically for heavy physical exertion, so labor helps the animal to spend energy efficiently.

In the summer, after a horse's working day, it is necessary to arrange a light warm shower. In winter, water procedures should be replaced with thorough dry cleaning. The horse must be well-groomed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Vladimir heavy truck, like other breeds, has soy pluses and minuses.

Among the positive points worth noting:

The breed has a few shortcomingsHowever, those wishing to have such a horse must take these nuances into account:

  • Low riding qualities. This horse can ride under the saddle, but it is unlikely to compete with riding breeds in speed. When keeping the Vladimir at home, this does not play a big role;
  • A horse of this breed is large, so some people will be uncomfortable riding on such a dimensional horse;
  • The horse’s body is shallow, and the back is slightly “soft”;
  • Slight slowness. Due to the large size, the heavy truck physically cannot be brisk.

The disadvantages of the breed are not a problemif you practice the horse correctly. From the purchase itself, it is necessary to raise an animal for specific needs. Vladimir heavy truck has a well-developed intelligence, so training does not take much time.

Selling pedigree heavy horses is a lucrative industry, as the breed is in great demand, both among farmers and among ordinary riding enthusiasts.

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