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Working with chakras. Opening, cleansing and harmonizing the chakras

How to Identify Blocked Chakras

There are many opportunities to harmonize and balance your chakras, but first you need to establish which chakras are unbalanced or blocked in each case.

Without this knowledge, you can also harmonize all chakras with the proposed methods of holistic therapy, which we highly recommend. However, if you know, for example, that certain two chakras primarily need therapy, you can give attention to those chakras first.

In addition, diagnosing the chakras gives us a chance for self-knowledge. The purpose of this will be to know yourself and solve your own problems. Then you will be able to guide other people along the path of self-discovery.

There are several possibilities for diagnosing chakras. If you use at least one of them, then this may be quite enough for you to make a correct diagnosis of the chakra system.

1. Here, we provide a description of each chakra, obvious symptoms that allow you to assess which of your chakras is in a state of disharmony or dysfunction. Using these criteria, everyone can quickly recognize the area of ​​their problems, while we have made an attempt to present the dysfunctions of a particular chakra in a very expressive, sometimes even somewhat exaggerated form, so that certain tendencies are completely clear to you. You must remember that not all effects described occur in every person.

However, it may happen that while reading certain passages you will feel hurt or even offended. This is not our goal. We want you to be able to recognize and see yourself clearly and unambiguously, so if some of the descriptions apply to you and hit the mark, they may be offensive.

By this we do not attack you and do not want to injure you, but we want to help in making a diagnosis. Self-knowledge is not always pleasant, but our dark sides sometimes need to be illuminated, since only in this way can they be eliminated. The path of self-discovery will surely be rewarded, because at the same time we give you a whole range of opportunities for self-healing and chakra harmonization.

2. The second possibility of analyzing the chakra system is based on accurate observation of which chakras react visibly to situations of stress or shock. It may happen that in certain difficult life situations you constantly have the same problems.

If, for example, the root chakra is in a state of dysfunction in a situation of extreme stress, you may feel like the ground is moving away from under your feet, and you may also experience diarrhea. With excessive function of the first chakra, you easily enter a state of anger and aggression. When the second chakra is dysfunctional, blockages of feelings easily occur in situations of high stress, and with excessive activity, it is very likely that you begin to cry or react with uncontrollable emotions.

The consequence of dysfunction of the third chakra will be a feeling of loss of consciousness, powerlessness and emptiness in the stomach, or impotent anger during times of stress. Overload in this chakra is manifested by nervous excitement and an attempt to control the situation through hyperactivity. If you have the feeling that your “heart is stopping,” then the cause is dysfunction of the heart chakra.

A rapid heartbeat in stressful situations indicates general dysfunction of the fourth chakra. When there is discomfort in the throat chakra, there is a feeling as if something is stuck in it. With disharmonious hyperfunction, you try to master the situation with the help of a stream of ill-considered words. If, due to stress or shock, you cannot collect your thoughts, this indicates dysfunction of the frontal chakra; its overload is often expressed in the form of a headache.

Such reactions always appear at weak points in our energy system. Careful observation of them can open our eyes to many ailments.

3. Now we can use body language. First, based on the appearance and characteristics of a person’s body, it is necessary to assess whether any of its areas are also in a state of energetic disharmony.

After all, our body is a mirror image of subtle energy structures and if bodily inconsistencies appear somewhere, such as deformation, tension, swelling, weakening, etc., then we can, taking into account the place of their occurrence, tie them to the corresponding chakra.

We all know what deviations from the norm can look like in the human body; using them, spontaneously and without thinking, we can very accurately create an image of a given person. This image can very often be easily transferred to the chakra structures.

So, for example, there are people who notice that they have stretched their physical bodies upward, but there is insufficiency in the lower part of the body. Others show the opposite of this, while others seem to consist of only weaknesses or only strong points. Look consciously at yourself in the mirror or in photographs. The voice is also often an important criterion for assessing the state of the throat chakra. A very good description of these dependencies is the book “Body Consciousness” by Ken Dichtwald.

If, in addition, you take into account the weaknesses of certain organs or the symptoms of the disease, you will receive very accurate guidelines that will allow you to identify problems in the chakra energy system, which will make it possible to carry out effective therapy.

4. As a fourth possibility, we would like to introduce a special testing method used not only by many therapists, but also by a large number of lay people. In this case, however, two people are usually required. This is a kinesiology test (John Diamond “The Body Doesn’t Lie”), developed through the “Touch for Health” method.

In practice, you need to act as follows: the person testing you places his right palm on the side of your left forearm at a right angle. He then gives the command: "hold strong" and, while you are trying to hold the forearm in the described position, he tries to prevent you from doing so by pressing down at the point of the bend of the arm. If the functioning of the chakra is harmonious and balanced, then the forearm gives a clear strong resistance, but if the chakra being tested is blocked, then it is clearly felt that the forearm cannot withstand the pressure, even with the application of a small force by the person conducting the test.

Using this testing method, we examine all the chakras, up to the crown chakra.

Thus, we get a clear picture of the energetic state of the chakras. In the test we described, chakras always react to disturbances in the functioning of the chakras by weakness of the straightened arm.

We can then repeat the test many times to confirm whether changes have occurred. If there are no problems in the chakra system, the test should show “strong” seven times, the so-called straightened - bent forearm should give seven times, a clearly felt strong resistance. You can take a short break between testing individual chakras to eliminate the possibility of arm fatigue.

Measurements on a special device have shown that during such a test a pressure of 20 kg is maintained if it is positive, and otherwise, the resistance is only about 8 kg. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body of the person being tested, but the difference between a positive and negative result is always clearly felt by both the person being tested and the person conducting the test.

The next version of this test is that the person being tested connects the thumb and index fingers of the right palm together, and covers the chakra being tested with the left. The person conducting the test tries to separate the fingers. If the fingers offer a lot of resistance, this means that the chakra being examined is fine. If the resistance is weak, the tested chakra needs therapy.

However, we have met quite often people who did this test without a partner. At the same time, they pressed their index finger on the thumb of the same hand, trying to tear both fingers with the thumb and index of the other hand. When performing the test, they mentally concentrated on a specific chakra.

Also, here, it was quite clearly visible, by the degree of resistance of the fingers, in which chakra there were disturbances. Because if the clenched fingers of one hand can be torn apart by the fingers of the other hand, this means that the chakra being examined is weak; if not, the chakra is fine.

For sure, for such kinesiology tests we will need to practice a little to get reliable results. The method, however, works perfectly and thanks to it we can clearly recognize which chakra needs to be worked on.

5. We call the following method of determining the state of a chakra “internal research.” For many people, this is the easiest and fastest way to get in touch with their energy system.

We enter a state of meditative silence for a few minutes and try with our “inner gaze” to see the picture of the state of individual chakras. We go through, systematically and slowly, all the chakras from bottom to top. Many people can very accurately determine the state of their chakras based on color changes. Some people see more of a form.

If this is the case in your case, check whether the form is harmonious, whether it is balanced, whether there are bends, deformations or other changes in it. Some distinguish the state of the chakras by their size and strength of radiation. Combinations of various elements are also often used. All these possibilities and evaluation criteria are based, however, on certain experience and you need to practice a lot in order to have unambiguous and clear results.

6. More and more people today can assess the energy situation using the palm of their hand. The definition of “clarity of sensation” is often used here. At the same time, you feel a certain resistance when you touch the energy cocoon of your etheric body, in which the chakras are located, or the energy cocoon of another person.

This resistance is similar to movement in water. You may notice certain irregularities, holes, or bulges. This feeling can be trained by gradually bringing the palm closer to the human body, to other animals or plants, trying to determine what sensations arise in the hands. For a clear answer, experience with frequent use of such testing is required. It is also worth attending a related seminar.

7. The most direct way is to see the aura, although only a few have such a gift. The “seer” in this case has direct access to the energy situation and processes occurring in himself or in those around him. At the same time, it is possible to recognize both spiritual, mental and physical connections and evaluate them.

If you are endowed with such mediumistic ability, then it is very important to be able to correctly interpret what you see. This requires long training, experience and the gift of observation. There is also some literature on this topic and relevant seminars are organized.

If you are not sure that you have such abilities, you can test it in the following way: sit in a completely darkened room, such as a basement, sauna or closet, where not a single ray of light really passes through. (Baudo once conducted his first experiments in an atomic shelter).

First, you remain in this room for several minutes in silence. In the form of a test object, at first there will be enough rock crystal crystals, which you place nearby or hold in your palms.

If you are able to notice a certain subtle emission of energy from the tips of rock crystal crystals, especially as you move them, then this indicates certain clairvoyant tendencies. Don't give up right away, sometimes you need to practice a little. First of all, this exercise should be done without any tension.

If you want to recognize the etheric body around a certain person, then you need to choose the darkest possible background in front of which the person being tested must sit or stand. From a distance of several meters, you should direct your gaze slightly above or next to the person, since that is where the energy circle is located. You will achieve the best results in a meditative state. Set aside some time for this exercise. You will probably initially see the etheric body surrounding the physical, like a radiant cocoon of energy.

After gaining some experience, you will be able to distinguish the colors and shapes of the emotional body. Do not expect stable, immobile color structures, as subtle energies are in constant motion, translucent and changeable.

In principle, we can say that if the colors and shapes are harmonious in this energy area, this allows us to conclude that we are dealing with a harmonious person. Impure coloring and unbalanced shapes indicate problem areas in that person.

If you wish to try to see your aura, you must stand in front of a large mirror and begin the appropriate research. However, most people first notice energy emanating from other people.

In addition, there are special glasses for observing the aura; they have dark purple glasses inserted into them that fit tightly to the face. Such glasses must be qualified as an aid; they do not automatically open access to the aura for everyone. We ourselves, with the help of such glasses, achieved very good results in the lap of nature.

In addition, today there are more and more people who are able to see the etheric body, and above all the chakra system of another person, at a great distance, sometimes hundreds and even thousands of kilometers away. As a rule, this happens using photography or a phone. For many, this possibility does not seem likely, but we ourselves have experienced this quite often, and have been able to observe it several times.

If recognizing and understanding such incredible phenomena is a challenge for you, then consider, for example, what is possible today thanks to radio and television. And here, image and sound are sent, in the form of waves, into the ether and received from this ether. Almost all of our technological advances existed previously as a phenomenon of wireless communication.

Of course, you can reject all methods and possibilities that are difficult to perceive and evaluate. We have previously described a number of other possibilities for assessing the state of the chakras.

8. The next way to recognize the functioning of another person’s chakras is mediumistic ability, based on the feeling in one’s chakras of what the person seeking our help is experiencing at that moment. In this case, the therapist first tunes his vibration to the vibrations in the patient's energy body. We know several therapists who work this way, making accurate diagnoses. However, many of them feel as bad as the patient afterwards. We believe that In such situations, other methods must be strongly preferred.

In some traditional Asian texts we find different characteristics of the dominant functions of the individual chakras. Particularly interesting in them is the analysis of our sleep habits.

A person whose first chakra is primarily active usually requires a lot of sleep (10-12 hours) and likes to sleep on his stomach. People who need 8-10 hours of sleep sleep best in the fetal position, demonstrating predominant activity of the second chakra. Those with a dominant third chakra sleep best on their back for about 7-8 hours.

A person who has a more developed fourth chakra usually lies on his left side and needs 5-6 hours of sleep during the night. In the case of an open and active heel cover, a person sleeps for only 4-5 hours, alternately on the right and left side.

If someone's sixth chakra is open, active and dominant, they will spend about 4 hours in a state between sleep and mindful sleep. Mindful sleep is described as a state in which awareness of the external world occurs while the body sleeps. This form of rest occurs when the seventh chakra is open and dominant. A person who is fully enlightened does not sleep in the usual sense, but most importantly, gives his body a rest phase.

If you use one of the chakra diagnostic methods presented here, it may be completely sufficient. It is often better to study one thing really well than to study a lot but half-heartedly.

Sharon Bodo, Ken McMillan - "Chakras. The practice of cleansing."

The human body draws energy from almost everywhere: from everyday life, work, communication with friends, music, books, etc. All this energy is stored in the individual’s body, distributed among its main energy zones – chakras.

In total, there are about a hundred chakras in the human body, which absorb various energies and vibrations. However, among them there are seven main centers associated with being at certain levels: mental, spiritual and physical.

Each system (nervous, respiratory, cardiac, reproductive, etc.), each organ and glands are “connected” to a specific chakra, which are located along the spinal column. Diseases and ailments of one or another organ or organ system indicate that the chakra that controls their work is either unhealthy or weak and closed.

There are many techniques and methods aimed at bringing human energy centers in order.

Among the main ones:

- opening the chakras;

- chakra cleansing;

- chakra harmonization;

- chakra restoration;

- activation of chakras;

- filling the chakras and etc.

Opening the chakras

The opening of each chakra must be carried out in order to admit energy into the center of the energy vortex. If the chakra is closed, the energy center does not function. The consequences depend on which chakra is blocked:

Blocked Muladhara causes sexual disorders, anger and aggression, suppression of the self-preservation instinct, etc.;

If closed Svadhisthana, then a depressed state appears, the person becomes unemotional, passive, sexual desire disappears, etc.;

When closed Manipur there is uncertainty, lack of desire and strength for career growth;

If not open Anahata, a person develops a depressed state, a feeling of loneliness, unrequited love or an inability to accept love, etc.;

If the fifth chakra is blocked Vishuddha, a person cannot openly and freely convey his thoughts and feelings in words, communication problems are expressed, stuttering is possible;

Blocked Ajna reduces intuitive abilities, mental activity is suppressed, a person becomes confused, forgetful, unfocused, fixated on something.

In addition to emotional and spiritual disorders, diseases of organs or organ systems controlled by a specific chakra appear. Therefore, the timely opening of the energy center in order to clean and restore it is a very important task.

Chakra Cleansing

Cleaning the chakras is carried out with the aim of removing negative, destructive and destructive programs from the human consciousness. Many psychics (and those who consider themselves one of them) call a “clogged” chakra damage. In fact, a person independently installs blocks on his energy centers, reacting painfully to certain life circumstances.

The most common are men who hold high positions and have problems with potency or diseases of the respiratory tract or heart. All this is interconnected. Competitors (both men and women) can deliver a “punch in the gut” or a blow “to the sore masculine.” It would seem, what does chakra have to do with it? The fact is that that negative vibration and energy that comes from bad intentions and affects one or another chakra. And she, in turn, affects the organ under her control.

You can cleanse energy centers using the services of a specialist (hypnotist, psychic) ​​or independently, using meditative practices.

When meditating on your own, you should artificially induce a state of love for yourself (your body, consciousness) and eliminate possible holes and breaches in the energy centers. The person himself will feel how best to do this, see the problems and understand which centers should be directed to the beam of energy.

Chakra harmonization

All energy centers are located along the human spinal column. Kundalini (energy) rises from Muladhara and blossoms into a lotus in Sahasrara. However, if any of the chakras are blocked, then the energy cannot move freely along the spine. Does not have the ability to nourish the chakra located above the blocked one. As a result, there is disharmony or imbalance of energy.

You can harmonize the chakras yourself. To do this, during the meditation process, you need to put your hands on each of the energy centers sequentially. You can simultaneously place your right hand in the Muladhara region, and your left hand on Ajna. Sahasrara does not need harmonization, since it itself is a generalizing chakra and opens only if the six chakras are strong.

One should remain in this position until the meditator feels the same energy in both hands. Feelings of tingling, warmth, pulsation, etc. both in the left and in the right hand should be identical.

The optimal period for harmonizing energy centers is a month. During this time, such meditative practices need to be performed regularly. The meditator chooses the frequency for himself.

Chakra restoration

Damaged or weak chakras need restoration and healing. Meditation practice aimed at recovery consists of the following stages:

Take a standing pose, turn your face to the east, relax, concentrate on breathing;

Visualize your body surrounded by an energy cocoon, which has two holes at the bottom and top;

Imagine a beam of energy that enters the lower hole of the cocoon, penetrates the feet, and reaches the first chakra. Stop at the feeling of warmth and pulsation in Muladhara;

Observe how the energy flow rises up the spine, focusing on each chakra and mentally activating it;

If there are obstacles (blocks, barriers) along the path of the flow, it is necessary to imagine how the energy beam easily burns and destroys them;

Focus your attention on the sensations, imagine how the energy spreads throughout the body and fills every cell, organ, and nerve with warmth;

The goal of meditation is to achieve free movement of energy to Sahasrara. Many visually imagine interfering objects, perceiving them as a problem (failure or difficulty). All these objects must be destroyed by an energy beam.

Meditation to restore the chakras can be carried out along with the harmonization of energy centers. This will further enhance its effect.

Chakra activation

Not only daily meditation and chanting mantras activates the chakras. Energy centers daily absorb energy from everything a person sees, hears, feels. It should be noted that everyone is able to influence their chakras and activate them independently. Among the simplest and most common methods, it should be noted:

Influencing your thoughts. Much has been said about the fact that thoughts are material, that everyone is capable of mentally attracting to themselves whatever they want, etc. You can believe in it, you can doubt it, but negative thoughts suppress a person’s energy, positive thoughts, on the contrary, charge and inspire enthusiasm;

Sunlight. It is the most powerful and important source of energy. If a person is deprived of the sun, his energy is very weak, the chakras are depressed, and health and mental problems arise. To activate the chakras, you should take sunbathing for at least an hour a day (at least in the summer);

Food. Of course, food is the main source of energy for the human body, but food also contributes to the accumulation of energy in the chakras. To do this, you need to give preference to brightly colored foods (fruits, berries, vegetables), avoid fried foods and fatty foods;

Visualization is always used during meditation; it can help you concentrate on the location of the chakra, tune in to the desired vibration, imagining a wave of colored energy, etc.

Minerals and stones, which also contain energy and certain vibrations. Each stone has a vibration similar to the energy of a particular chakra, so using a suitable mineral during meditation or simply wearing it in the form of precious jewelry can awaken and activate the energy center;

Aromatherapy, based on the transfer of smell from a living flower or plant, also transfers its vibrations to a person. All that remains is to choose similar energy;

Singing is one of the tools of meditation - mantras, the chanting of which creates vibration, activating one or another chakra.

There are still many ways to charge the chakras, these include dancing, music, color baths, decorating your home, choosing clothes, etc. Each person chooses what suits him best.

Filling the chakras

Filling the chakras is necessary in order to fill them with energy and strengthen them. Usually, energy chakras are filled with the appropriate color, which, having a certain vibration, activates the chakra.

Energy Muladharas has red color and its shades;

- Swadhishtans- orange;

- Manipurs- yellow;

- Anahata- green;

- Vishuddhi– blue;

- Ajnas- Navy blue;

- Sahasrara- correspondingly purple.

In other words, the color of the rainbow is selected based on the chakra number.

During meditative practice aimed at filling the chakras with color, it is necessary to concentrate on the desired energy center and direct a colored beam of energy to it. Visualize how the vortex expands, its color becomes more saturated. Try to evoke in yourself a feeling of joy, lightness, love.

Filling the centers makes the chakras the strongest and most resistant to external manifestations.

Chakra Breathing

Chakra breathing is one of the active meditative practices aimed at opening and activating all chakras. It is better to use a musical recording with calm music, or better yet with mantras. Every 6-7 minutes a signal should sound (usually the sound of a bell is used). With each subsequent signal, attention should switch to the next chakra.

The duration of the meditation is just over an hour and consists of two stages:

Stand up, turn your face to the east, close your eyes. While listening to music, start breathing deeply through your mouth. Concentrate on the first chakra, and listen to your feelings until the next sound signal. Then move on to the next center.

The consolidation stage, the duration of which should be at least 15 minutes. You should take a comfortable position (you can sit in a chair or lie on the floor) and listen to the sensations of your body and mind. Be in complete silence, without focusing on thoughts.

For convenience, you can blindfold your eyes with a dark cloth.


Playing an important role in the human body, energy centers can from time to time be weak, closed, and barriers may arise in them due to life circumstances.

There are many ways to heal the chakras, make them stronger, fill them with energy, and strengthen them. A healthy energy center is not only the key to physical health, but also maintains good spirits and psychological background.

If you are interested in out-of-body experiences from an occult perspective, you need to understand chakra theory, which has important implications for astral projection. By working with the chakras, you release hidden reserves of energy within yourself and force it to rise through energy channels, which entails the development of psychic abilities and facilitates access to the astral world.

According to Indian philosophy, a person has 7 main chakras, or mental centers of the body. Each of them is a bridge, connection, or energy transformer, transforming pure (higher) energy into various forms and connecting the 4 bodies (buddhic, mental, astral and physical) together. The chakras are located along the nadis - the network of psychic channels - and follow the autonomic nervous system along the spinal cord.

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine (between the anus and genitals) - this is the root chakra, Muladhara. The second, known as the sacral center, Svadhisthana, is located slightly below the navel. The third is the solar plexus, Manipura, which corresponds to emotions and psychic vision (clairvoyance). The heart chakra, Ana-hata, is located above the heart and corresponds to psychic touch. The fifth is the throat chakra, Vishuddha chakra, located at the base of the throat, where the thyroid gland is located, and corresponds to clairaudience.

The remaining 2 chakras are very important. They refer mainly to elevated states of consciousness. The front chakra, Ajna (“third eye”) is located between the eyebrows (slightly above). Ajna is the center of psychic powers and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation on Ajna is designed to heal nervousness. Finally, the crown chakra, Sahasrara, located at the top of the head (pineal gland), is also called the thousand-petalled lotus and corresponds to the exit of the astral body and enlightenment.

There is a special type of concentration meditation called chakra meditation. Basically, it is kundalini yoga - a practice that causes the psychic energy of kundalini to flow up the sushumna (the main energy channel), filling the various chakras along the way. This practice, considered dangerous by some, causes physiological sensations and psychological effects if continued for long enough. It should not be used by epileptics and persons with an unstable mental or mental state, as well as people with heart disease. Certain medications, such as those used for epilepsy, can slow this process. Although this technique is very simple, it can sometimes produce significant results. They may first appear a few hours after chakra meditation during sleep. As each chakra is energized through this practice, occult powers (siddhis) must be added until the last, crown chakra is energized. At this moment, complete enlightenment is achieved. Sometimes kundalini awakens on its own.

What are chakras

Chakras are non-physical organs that transform raw kundalini energy into subtler and easier to use forms. Not being part of the ordinary, physical world, they are inaccessible to perception with the help of ordinary senses, even with the help of instruments.

Chakras do not create the energy they contain out of nothing. Through the system of auxiliary chakras located in the legs and feet, it is drawn from our planet and enters the main human energy channel.

In its essence, kundalini is the energy of pure thought that permeates and connects the entire Universe. With the help of willpower focused in a certain direction, this energy can be purposefully collected, drawn into the human body and transformed into more subtle forms suitable for further use.

The main chakras are energy rotating cones, the tops of which (Padma) lie at the spine, and the bases extend to the front of the body. The chakra system as a whole is quite complex. It consists of three control chakras (lower, heart and crown), four main ones (sacral center, solar plexus, throat chakra, third eye) and more than 300 auxiliary ones. In addition, there are chakras that are located outside the human physical body. Eastern medicine and mysticism, particularly acupuncture, have been using detailed maps of the chakra system and the meridians connecting them for thousands of years. Without this system, not a single psychic ability works. Whichever of them we talk about, whatever terminology we use, whatever method of its development we use, in the end it all comes down to different methods of stimulating the chakras. It is impossible to use psychic powers without first transforming the kundalini through the chakra system.

Most people will not agree with this statement and will say that they have never worked with chakras and energy, but nevertheless have psychic abilities. Of course, there are many ways to develop yourself, however, whether you know it or not, they work through the stimulation of the chakra system. In addition, do not forget that many people are born with chakras already active and, therefore, with certain psychic abilities.

Consider, for example, mediums. These are people who are able to demonstrate certain abilities if they are helped by a certain spiritual entity of a non-physical plane. It directly stimulates the chakras of the medium/as a result of which he gains the ability to clairvoyance, levitation, telekinesis, healing, production of ectoplasm, etc. Especially often, “as a result of such influence, mediums become passive conductors of someone else’s will, containers of spirits, who thus gain the opportunity to interact with the physical world and influence it.

However, you do not need any spirit helper in order to develop and use psychic abilities. To do this, it is enough to learn how to control the chakras and energy flows without exposing yourself to the danger of falling under the control of an astral being.

If a person's body, mind and soul are in harmony, the chakras work simultaneously and in full force, supporting each other and exchanging energy. In this case, a person is in a state of balance with the whole world and is naturally drawn to people, situations and activities that are necessary for the development of his higher self.

Chakra (from Sanskrit “circle”) is one of the centers of the human body through which vital energy passes. Chakras can be called a kind of spine along which energy flows move in circular movements. This is why the chakras are often depicted as the closed petals of a beautiful lotus.

Women's chakras rotate to the left, men's chakras rotate to the right.

According to the spiritual practice of Hinduism, a person has 7 energy chakras, which symbolize the development of human consciousness. Having gone through all stages of development (from the root chakra to the crown chakra), a person’s egocentric childish thinking becomes wise and perfect.

Almost all chakras are located along the spine and open forward. Everything except the root and crown. The root “looks” down and is closely connected with the earth, the crown is directed upward and connects a person with the Universe.

Each chakra has its own vital area and a certain vibration frequency.

Streams of energy pass throughout the body through the finest energy channels (Nadis), nourishing organs, tissues and glands. Nadi channels at the mental level connect all parts of the body with specific areas of human consciousness. All subtle energies that create a unique sphere are the human aura.

Why do you need to work with chakras?

Each chakra has its own color, element and symbol. The chakras connect with each other and vibrate harmoniously. The more chakras are open, the more energetically nourished a person is. For this purpose, they try to open all chakras as much as possible. When all energy flows flow intensively, it brings a person into a state of complete balance, serene calm, and self-confidence.

But achieving such a state is quite difficult. What's stopping you? Endless stress, negative emotions (anger, envy, hatred), illnesses, fears, as well as psychological trauma received in childhood interfere. All these factors disrupt the intensity of the energy exchange of the chakras, narrow and block the channels.

The primary task with which you need to start working with the chakras is a deep study of your own body. It is necessary to find out which chakras are narrowed and blocked, and also to establish the exact cause of the blockage.

The main practice for opening the chakras is meditation and yoga. Through daily exercises it is necessary to awaken the kundalini energy. The goal of the practice is to raise this energy from the lowest root chakra to the highest crown chakra. When a person just begins to engage in such practice, his kundalini is depicted as a coiled snake that sleeps in the root chakra. When awakening, kundalini rises and passes through all the chakras, reaching the highest and connecting with cosmic spiritual energy. Achieving such a result is associated with a strong and indescribable feeling of supreme bliss.

On the way to the top, practitioners can face all sorts of dangers. Often a person is tormented by causeless pain, fever, mental breakdowns, confusion, etc. That is why work with the chakras must be carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

7th chakra
Crown chakra

Color: purple and gold
This is the crown chakra - the center of human perfection.
Parietal chakra, parietal center, Sahasrara (means “lotus flower with a thousand petals”).

6th chakra
Brow chakra

Dark-blue colour
At this level, the third eye, the inner eye, opens.
Frontal center, ajna (perception).

5th chakra
Throat chakra

Blue color
Laryngeal chakra, center of communication, vishuddha (purifying).

4th chakra
Heart chakra

Color: pink and green
Heart center, anahata (unharmed).

3rd chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow color
Navel chakra, navel center, spleen chakra, stomach chakra, manipura (luminous jewel).

2nd chakra
Sacral chakra

Color: orange and blue-green
Sex chakra, sacral center, polar chakra, sexual center, svadhisthana (sweet, affectionate).

1st chakra
Root chakra

Color: red and black
Main chakra, root center, base center, muladhara (root support).

Chakras are associated with various areas of human life and are responsible for feelings, which are often contradictory and dominate each other.

Root chakra – vital energy, fear.
Sacral chakra – creativity, sensuality, sexuality, indifference.
Solar plexus chakra – opening, uncertainty, fear of contacts. Heart chakra – love, giftedness, poverty of feelings.
Throat chakra – sociability, retreat.
The brow chakra is spiritual development, limitation.
The crown chakra is higher knowledge, spiritual confusion.

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All of these properties are expressed in certain colors. Therefore, each energy cent has its own color, or rather, a combination of colors. The purity of the color shade shows the state of the chakra at the moment.

Damaged chakras are restored with the help of harmonizing color. Color therapy has been used since ancient times to restore energy balance. You can practice color therapy every day - it allows you to be balanced and energetic.

Each color has a specific vibration frequency. The more saturated the hue, the higher the frequency.

The most basic way to use chakra color therapy is deep meditation using plain scraps of fabric in all available colors. Daily short sessions will help harmonize energy vortices and improve your sensations. Also, the color of clothing greatly affects the functioning of the chakras and, consequently, the well-being. To activate one or another chakra, you just need to put on the desired color.

Harmonizing colors and their use:

  • Red
  • To activate willpower, to increase activity, when losing energy.

  • Dark pink
  • If you feel inner emptiness, when you lose your goal, to concentrate your consciousness.

  • Light pink
  • To relieve internal tension. In cases where stress and tension are caused by external aggression, when a person is under severe pressure, or with loss of self-control.

  • Orange-red
  • If fatigue has accumulated, to overcome difficulties, to awaken.

  • Orange
  • When sad, a feeling of being overwhelmed for no apparent reason, with excessive sensitivity to overcome causeless fears.

  • Dark yellow
  • With severe irritability, severe dissatisfaction, serious illnesses.

  • Yellow-green
  • If you lack motivation to work and move forward.

  • Green
  • With an unstable psyche, with changeable mood.

  • Light turquoise
  • With strong daydreaming.

  • Turquoise
  • When overthinking.

  • Rich blue
  • With increased nervousness and impatience, with muscle tension.

  • Violet
  • To overcome strong inner agitation and feelings of hopelessness.

The picture shows the 3 main flows of the 7 chakras:

Involution - higher energy mixes with lower energy. Descending energy moves down from the head to the genitals.

Evolution – lower energy unites with higher energy. Ascending energy rises up along the spine from the sacrum to the head.

Central flow
The flow is located along a vertical axis and moves down and up.

The work of chakras, as energy centers, directly concerns a person’s feelings, as well as all the properties of his personality.

Counter arrows indicate the rotation of the chakras. It is important to take into account that in men the first chakra rotates to the right, the second to the left, the third to the right again, and so on. For women, it’s the other way around—the first chakra rotates to the left, the second to the right, and so on.

Other circles indicate the interaction between different chakras. The heart chakra connects the physical world with the world of spirituality and awareness.

At the next level, 3 circles link 7 chakras into triplets. At the lower level, the “Action” group of chakras (energy, feelings, personality) is directed physical activity and progress. At the average level, the group of chakras “Interaction” (personality, love, intuition) is the connection of the physical world with the spiritual. At the top level there is a group of chakras “Perception” (intuition, knowledge, wisdom) - subconscious perception that a person cannot control.

Each person has his own light or energy body - this is the aura. In turn, the aura is part of the universal energy field. The layers of the aura are energy bodies that repeatedly overlap and penetrate each other. Energy bodies move from the center up and to the sides. The outer layers are composed of subtler energies with increased frequencies.

Material level
At the material level there are 3 bodies of the human aura: etheric, emotional and mental. The etheric body is a protective field that provides protection to the physical body, serving as its support. From the etheric body the physical body is born.

The second layer of the material level is formed by the emotional body and relates to feelings. The emotional body is represented as thin colored clouds emanating from the physical body at a distance of 3-8 centimeters. The sensory body is in constant motion.

The third layer of the material level is formed by the mental body, which is located at a distance of 8-20 centimeters from the physical body. This structure refers to ideas and thoughts. The mental body plays with all the colors of the rainbow - this is how a person’s thoughts and emotional state are reflected. A clear and powerful idea has a very pronounced form. Emotional thoughts require the greatest amount of energy.

Astral level
At the astral level there is the astral body - this is the meeting place of the material and immaterial world. This structure is responsible for a person’s relationships with people around him. At the astral level, the interchange of physical and spiritual energy takes place.

Intangible level
At the immaterial level there are the etheric double, the celestial body and the causal body.

The etheric body-double stores all forms of the physical level. This reflects the general structure of the aura field (chakras, organs, body shapes). The spiritual level can only be seen on a photographic negative.

The celestial body is an emotional reflection of the spiritual level. It is represented as a shining light that emanates from the human body. At this level, a person connects with the Universe. Meditation allows you to experience lasting spiritual ecstasy.

The causal body is the spiritual expression of the mental body. Being at this level of consciousness, a person can feel oneness with the Divine.
All-encompassing Divine love manifests itself in the form of a shining bright golden light, which is seen by everyone who has reached this level of development.

Energy centers located in those places where his power is concentrated - mental and vital - are called chakras. And before you learn how to open and clean them, you first need to figure out what they are, what their significance is, and become familiar with their main types.

Properties of human chakras

Chakra in Sanskrit literally translates as wheel, circle, disk. She is compared to a flower that needs to be learned to open. It is through them that a person receives life from the cosmos.

Energy centers influence traits, and each of them is associated with physical condition and.

Main chakras

There is no consensus on the number of energy centers, but there are seven main ones. All chakras on the human body have their location on the aura.

Chakra Muladhara

Basic. Located at the end of the spinal column, between the anus and genitals. Associated with the following bodies:

  • prostate/uterus;
  • (left);
  • prostate gland;
  • bladder;
  • urethra;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • rectum.
Thanks to Muladhara, “saturation” occurs with health, sexuality, and confidence. It is red, but if an admixture of black appears on it, this may indicate a deterioration in health, and even a disease.

Swadhisthana Chakra

Sacral - at the level of the junction of the sacrum with the spine, just below the navel. Associated with:

  • intestines;
  • right kidney;
  • organs of the reproductive system.
Affects creativity, sexual desire, helps to be resilient and active. The color of Svadhisthana is orange, but if black appears, this is a signal regarding the genital organs, sexual disorders or neuralgic diseases.

Umbilical - at the level of the navel. Associated with:

  • spleen;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder.

It is Manipura that gives gaiety, lightness, confidence, and leadership qualities to a person. She is yellow. The presence of black on the aura indicates possible diseases with which this center is associated.

Anahata Chakra

Cardiac - in the middle of the chest, level. Associated with:

  • chest;
  • bronchi;
  • trachea;
  • lungs;
Promotes the ability to be, feel and freedom. If it is contaminated, problems with bronchitis or bronchitis may develop.

Did you know? Anahata is called the energy center of transition, since it is with its opening that the first true level on the path of knowledge begins. Only then does a person see himself from the outside, an understanding comes to him - others are no less important than himself. In Anahata, “we” acquires its main meaning; before that, in the so-called lower triangle, a person is guided by “I”.

Did you know? The lower energy centers have a connection with the elements, so they take on their qualities: Muladhara - Earth, Svadhistana - Manipura - Fire, Anahata - Vishuddha - Ether. The top two are energies of high vibrations, because of this they are in no way connected with the elements.

Opening the chakras

Opening the chakras, which helps a person to be healthy, active, and grow spiritually and morally, is a rather difficult process. To do this, there are several ways and...

Opening the chakras with concentration

They say that in Muladhara there is energy (kundalini), which is in a compressed form and has the image of a coiled snake. Mastering each step, a person raises this energy along the spine, gradually opening each center.

Autotraining, in other words, relieving muscle and nervous tension through self-suggestion, is very powerful and helps to open up energy centers.
But it is still recommended to choose a good mentor who will competently select the methods that suit you.

Chakra activation

They can be activated using mantras. You need to sing them gently, stretching out your voice, in a high voice, but quietly, concentrating on each energy center.

Having made the Muladhara to open and observed the opening of the red flower for a few seconds, take up the LAM mantra.

Then move on to Svadhisthana and the VAM mantra. And then everything is in order: in Manipur chant the mantra RAM, in Anahata - YAM, in Vishuddha - HAM, in Ajna - VOM, in Sahasrara - OM.

Chakra harmonization

Lack of harmony or imbalance of energy can occur when energy centers are blocked (this prevents energy from rising higher).
To harmonize during meditation, sequentially place your hands on all centers. Sahasrara does not need harmonization, because it is a generalizing center that opens only in the presence of the other six truly strong energy centers.

Continue doing this until you feel the same sensation in both - warmth, pulsation or tingling.

You can harmonize energy in a month, but only with regular meditation (choose yourself how often you will do this).

Chakra cleansing

Cleansing the chakras is also of considerable importance for a person. This is necessary to remove destructive programs from consciousness. After all, a person, reacting sharply to various life circumstances, without realizing it, blocks his energy centers.

Meditation and self-hypnosis

Cleansing the chakras can be done by contacting a specialist, or you can do it yourself - artificially inducing self-love and eliminating holes at all levels.

You yourself will feel how to do it correctly, see your problem areas and understand which centers need special attention (they are the ones you should focus energy on).

Cleansing the chakras with hand flows

For this method, the flows must be open - the palm is brought to the chakra and cleansed with the flow. But this is more suitable for use in relation to other people (by the way, this is how some healers work).

Cleansing the chakras with mantras

One of the ways to cleanse all chakras is the great mantra OM. There are certain recommendations for reading it:

  • Take the lotus position. Stand tall, then relax by taking a few deep breaths.
  • It is best to recite the mantra early in the morning and (the stomach should not be busy digesting, an empty stomach will only facilitate meditation).
  • Quietly chant the mantra, and then begin to do it louder, distributing vibrations throughout each cell.
  • You can meditate by turning on an audio recording, but you still need to memorize the text of the mantra. After all, sound must penetrate inside the body.
  • Visualization also helps - when vibrating at a specific point, imagine that it is washed by a bright light, clearing out all the negativity

Chakra restoration

For a person, healthy chakras are of great importance, therefore, if damaged, they require mandatory restoration and sometimes even treatment. Remember that this is of no small importance.

  • Stand facing east, relax, focus on your breathing.
  • Draw the following picture in your head: your body is surrounded by an energy cocoon with two openings - below and above.
  • Draw in your imagination an energy ray that enters through the bottom and penetrates the body through the feet, reaching Muladhara. Stop, feel the warmth and pulsations in it.
  • Feel the energy rising, stop at each center and mentally activate it.
  • The energy beam must destroy all blocks encountered along the way.
  • Pay attention to your sensations, feel how the energy spreads throughout the body, saturating every organ with warmth.

Your task is to move energy unimpeded all the way to Sahasrara. Many people have pictures in their heads of, so to speak, unnecessary objects, perceiving them as a certain problem or failure. Imagine that all negativity is destroyed by an energy beam.

Exercises for opening the chakras, their cleansing and harmonization contribute to a positive perception of the world, health, mental stability, and the ability to overcome difficulties without destroying oneself. But all this is possible only with the use of proven techniques and a great desire to know yourself and find your own path.

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