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Description of the main human chakras and work on the chakras. Working with chakras: opening, cleansing, harmonizing and filling

Figure 1. Human chakras their meaning, opening, cleansing and location

Have you ever thought about what human chakras are, why they are needed, where they are and how to clean them? Let's understand it in simple terms.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether human chakras exist? After all, we don’t see them and most people don’t feel them. So, there is reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely not. There are a lot of things in the world that a person, unfortunately (although no, this would be more suitable for happiness) does not see or feel. These include not only some mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which no one denies today.

If we go back 500 years and talk about today’s technologies, it would most likely shock people. Some would call you crazy, others would simply not believe you. For example, let's take a telephone. Today we can talk on the phone and don’t even think about how it happens. But before this was something impossible. How? How can you conduct a dialogue over two handsets at any distance?

For some people, the human chakras represent something like a telephone for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people will realize that chakras actually exist. We may not see them, but this does not mean that they are not there.

Each of us has our own energy. And no one knows your energy better than you yourself. We cannot say unequivocally: “chakras actually exist,” however, this term defines the internal sensations of many people who have been involved in spiritual development. Chakras exist for them. Why would a simple person who is not engaged in spiritual growth deny their existence?

What are chakras?

Chakras are human psychoenergetic centers, which represent the intersection of channels through which human life energy flows. They are also called the rotating whirlpools of energy that run along our spine.

As you should already know from the article on human energy, in order to exist and interact with the world around us, we need energy. As mentioned in the above article, one of them is food. It helps us renew tissue and “build” our body. But this is clearly not enough for us. There is an opinion that we get only 20% of the energy for existence from food. Where can I get the remaining 80%?

We will discard some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person absorb the energy necessary for the body from the surrounding world.

Chakras can remind us of a receiver and transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with the electromagnetic field and transform it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energies. Thanks to the chakras, a person gets what he needs from this chaos. The extent to which these chakras are open, the amount of energy you can receive. In addition to receiving, chakras are also designed to give energy to the energy world around us.

In simpler terms, with the help of chakras a person “eats” energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary energy. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it is absorbed by animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low vitality coefficient (surrounding objects). In addition, the energy that comes out of one person's chakras can transfer to another.

Understanding how the chakras work can become an indispensable tool for you in understanding your inner world. Once you understand the chakra system, you can easily cope with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras and their meaning

Do we even need them? What is the meaning of human chakras? Let's start with the fact that if a person's chakras stopped working at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their meaning is quite obvious. Without energy, a person cannot live.

When one or more chakras are not functioning well, a person feels a lack of something in his life (later we will look at what each chakra is responsible for).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings great pleasure to a person in life. Life becomes full, rich and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may be wondering, “Are there chakras on my body?” or “Do I have all the chakras?” Definitely - YES. Absolutely everyone has chakras on the human body. The only difference is how they function. Even for a particular person, they can work differently, depending on the period of life.

Some people are lucky enough to see chakras (or this happened due to long training). They describe them as shining vortexes in the form of circles that are concentrated at a point on the human body. The faster this vortex works, the more energy it can “process.”

How chakras work

A person has seven chakras in total. Each chakra operates in its own frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As you can see, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakras

We will not delve into how a person transfers energy and information with the help of chakras, but will only say that this happens with the help of electromagnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, you need to turn to one of the sections of physics, namely electromagnetic fields and waves.

As we have already said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) work mainly with energy, while the upper ones (6 and 7) work more with information. The middle chakras are a kind of balance between energy and information.

As you already know, chakras are designed to both absorb and release energy. It follows from this that they can be in one of these states, but not simultaneously, but alternating.

What are the chakras responsible for?

Each chakra is responsible for its own aspect of life. In one book I came across a good example of this. Imagine that our spine is an elevator, and the chakras on our body are floors. As we rise up from the lowest chakra, we can experience life in a more beautiful way. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life is filled with energy. And this, in turn, determines the joy, health and well-being in life.

If the work of one of the chakras is limited, you may feel a painful state, loss of strength, and a feeling of discomfort. When all chakras are blocked, physical death can occur.

First chakra Muladhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. First chakra Muladhara.

Color: red. Crystals: ruby, garnet, obsidian. Location: base of the spine.

The first chakra is called Muladhara (sometimes also called the root chakra or lower chakra). It connects the human body with the Earth. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for what a person needs first of all to survive: food, water, warmth, shelter, protection, clothing. Procreation also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be healthy, you need to find a place in nature where you feel good. Some people like mountains, others like flowering gardens, some like large canyons, and others like lakes and forests. There are people who feel good only in the city. In short, you need to communicate with the nature that you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with basic necessities (food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.), then he will immediately feel the influence of the Muladhara chakra. This person simply will not be able to concentrate on anything else. Including he will not be able to engage with other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: you need to balance this desire for survival.

Second chakra Svadhisthana (sexual chakra / sacral chakra / sexual chakra)

Figure 4. Second chakra of Svadhisthana.

Color: orange Crystal: carnelian, amber Location: pelvic area

The Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for how satisfied you are in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you should enjoy some process.

Svadhisthana craves as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. You can easily get used to this lifestyle: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you should not allow your second chakra to absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the moment of pleasure you “lose your head.” All you have to do is be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you notice that you are not doing well with the second chakra, but you do nothing, then the search for pleasure in life will never end and will lead nowhere.

There is a simple way to know that the Svadhisthana chakra is not in a balanced state. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself naturally attractive and do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you are fine with your second chakra. Also, pay attention not to feelings of jealousy and envy. They are signals that Svadhistan is not working properly, and if at the same time your first chakra is not working well, then these feelings will intensify.

Third chakra Manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. Third chakra of Manipura.

Color: yellow Crystal: amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine and topaz. Location: solar plexus

The Manipura chakra is responsible for strength and self-confidence, self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. It helps you say “yes” when you agree and “no” when you disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you will be able not to be influenced by other people and act at your own discretion, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, we found out that for the first it will be enough to simply survive in this world, for the second it will be enough to enjoy, but for the third it is important that a person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If a person’s third chakra of Manipur is not balanced, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which he supposedly receives some of his vital energy. Such a person may be called an energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person knows how to concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, then this indicates a developed 3rd chakra.

If a person does not do what he likes in life, then, most likely, you can notice how this person’s Manipur chakra is not working correctly. After all, he submits to the will of another person and does not do what his own heart requires.

Fourth chakra Anahata (heart chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth chakra Anahata.

Green color. Crystal: aventurine, rose quartz. Location: heart

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is responsible for bringing Love into your life. Awakening love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

The Anahata chakra is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras from the three upper ones. This is the first energy center of a person, which is aimed not at personal energy, but at an attempt to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that connects your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, this is also the place where the human soul lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without demanding anything from them in return? If yes, then most likely you understand what love is.

If you sometimes have moments when, feeling complete harmony, you begin to do good deeds, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

By inducing in yourself a state of harmony, joy, and love for others, you thereby attract more and more people in whom you induce similar states.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then it will be difficult for you to refuse another person and you will begin to indulge the demands of others, which will not always be best for you. You may be haunted by feelings of guilt and shame, which cannot be classified as positive feelings.

To move up a level from the third to the fourth chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will have to develop a love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one.

Fifth chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. Fifth chakra Vishuddha.

Color: sky blue Crystal: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase Location: neck

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person has a certain creative gift and talent. However, not all people discover it for themselves and, accordingly, do not take full advantage of it.

A developed and balanced Vishuddha chakra allows a person to behave creatively. Music, drawing, and dancing become accessible thanks to this energy center. When doing creative work, a person feels inspired and joyful from his work.

In addition, a person uses his fifth chakra when solving any problems. Sometimes a solution comes to your mind spontaneously. These moments are called eureka moments.

If the discovery and normal functioning of the fifth center indicates that a person has realized his uniqueness and originality, comprehended his knowledge about the world around him and brought it into his truth, then there is a downside. The imbalance of the center can be noticed when a person deliberately tries to resist the opinions of others. If someone expresses his view on certain things, then such a person will definitely say: “No, you are wrong. I am right.”

Also, a violation of the functioning of the Vishuddha chakra can be indicated by a situation in which a person cannot express his opinion because he believes that it is not correct or is not interesting to anyone.

Sixth chakra Ajna (third eye chakra)

Figure 8. Sixth chakra Ajna.

Color: blue Crystals: fluorite, indigo tourmaline Location: forehead, point above the bridge of the nose

The sixth chakra, Ajna, is responsible for your fantasies and imaginary world. Its awakening occurs when you seek to understand the mysteries of the world and the meaning of life. The Ajna chakra is responsible for bringing inspiration and grace into your life, which will allow you to escape from the reality of everyday life.

To get your sixth chakra in order, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

Proper functioning of the Ajna chakra brings harmony and pleasure into your life. In addition, this chakra influences a person’s intuition. By trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts to accomplish anything you have planned in life. It may seem to you that all situations are adjusted to you and you appear at the right time in the right place. To do this, you will have to go through a difficult and painstaking path of working on yourself.

If you have lost or still have not found the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakra of Ajdna. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. You will be given enough opportunities in life. The main thing is that you want to use them yourself.

The “third eye” effect or distortion of reality can be achieved with the help of alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh chakra Sahasrara (crown chakra)

Figure 9. Seventh chakra Sahasrara.

Color: Purple or White Crystal: Clear Quartz Location: Top of head

The seventh chakra Sahasrara is responsible for connections with the Divine, the disclosure of spiritual potential, and insight. The author of one of the books about human chakras suggested that people who are now in a psychiatric hospital (not all, of course) have reached this level of consciousness. But they are not connected with the lower chakras, so they can live in their own reality, which differs from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper Sahasrara chakra begin to live under the guidance of God, while drawing energy from an infinite source.

People are not able to fully achieve the level of balance of the sixth chakra. And if it is given, then only to a few. However, sometimes a person may feel the short-term influence of this chakra. After such influence, priorities and outlook on life change.

Living, being aware of and working on the 7th chakra means living with faith and serving God. For most people, giving up the security and most precious things in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only at first glance so. By reaching the consciousness of the highest chakra, you will receive much more in life than you had before.

Location of chakras on the human body

Figure 10. Location of chakras using the example of a skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (about 3-5 centimeters in diameter)

Figure 11. The chakra looks like a rotating cone.

Chakra colors

All 7 chakras have different colors that correspond to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue purple).

Figure 12. Chakra meditation

Working with chakras can be done through meditation. The main thing to understand here is that a person can experience for a moment the work of any of the seven chakras. But without meditation you will not be able to hold this moment for long. You need to find a strong connection between all the chakras, and working with the chakras in the form of meditation can help with this. Remember that just knowing about the chakras is not enough, they need to be experienced and felt.

The first thing you have to do when working with chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and understand the impact on your life.

To work with the chakras you need peace of mind. This is perhaps the most important requirement to begin to become aware of and move through the chakra system.


Chakras are human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy to a person and get rid of unnecessary energy. Chakras are extremely important for humans, because it is through them that we receive the main amount of energy, which in turn we need for existence.

Poor functioning of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since energy is primary, and the physical body is built in the likeness of the energetic body, various diseases can be treated by restoring the chakras.

Recognition of the fact of the presence of certain “chakras” in the human body is no longer news. The importance of human chakras, information about their qualities, the presence of a type of energy and information in a specific human chakra is also beyond doubt, fortunately, there is more than enough scientific evidence on the Internet. Multidimensional medicine, wave physics, field physics, string theory - these are the sciences of the third millennium that confirm not only the presence in the energy-information structure of a person of clots of concentration of energy and information of a certain level, quality, frequency, parameters, but also describe from a scientific point of view the work and “life” of the human chakra system, confirming ancient sacred knowledge about human chakra centers.

And here the question may reasonably arise about what determines the correct functioning of the human chakra system? This metaphysical system of the physical body is no less important than such body systems as the cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic, and central nervous systems. The chakra system is closely connected with the physical internal systems of the human body, depends on them, interacts with them and influences them. Malfunctions in the functioning of the chakra system are almost immediately reflected in the physical body through manifested diseases. Chakras are a kind of storage devices, distributors of energy and information. In this case, it does not matter what kind of energy and information. Everything, any and all types and types that a person passes through himself, generates in himself. Positive (high-frequency, divine) energy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the chakras, negative (negative, low-frequency) energy accumulates in the chakras, takes on vital energy, and a loss of vitality occurs. Correct work with chakras consists of parallel work with both information located and entering the chakra (through work with the consciousness, subconscious and unconscious mind of a person), and with energies already located and entering it (energy practices). The final stage in working with a specific chakra is to consolidate the result through balancing energy and information, filling it with the necessary and sufficient amount of natural energy and information of that level, parameters, qualities necessary for a person to bring his physical form to a state of absolute health (to the original divine blueprint of the Adam matrix Kadmon). Since the energy-information structure of a person represents a certain holistic multidimensional model, a change anywhere in this model affects the remaining areas.

Therefore, to maintain the achieved level of balanced, healed chakra Some rules must be followed:

1) follow a certain type of diet

2) include physical activity in your daily schedule

3) be in the moment “Here and now”, thereby increasing your awareness

4) learn to manage your emotions

5) work through negative destructive programs and limiting beliefs: poverty, survival, struggle, sacrifice, fear, uselessness, lack of dignity, lack of forgiveness, self-criticism, selfishness, resentment, betrayal, violence

6) develop new neural connections and new behavior algorithms

7) maintain energy hygiene: monitor the work of your chakra system through internal and external manifestations of the physical body for further correction

It is difficult for a person who does not have internal spiritual vision and does not have the necessary knowledge, skills and the ability to control energy flows to independently correctly carry out energy practice for cleansing, straightening deformations, healing and harmonizing the human Chakras.

We offer you our original method, which brings quick results in restoring and healing the human chakra system with the help of high-frequency energies according to the laws of multidimensional vibrational medicine. But before you begin the actual restoration and healing of the chakra system, we strongly recommend that you read the Instructions on how to work according to this Author’s method.

Recently, despite the progress of our civilization, more and more people are becoming interested in secret magical and mystical teachings - spiritualism, etc. Of course, the abilities that open up to a person are truly amazing. However, developing such skills requires practice and work. The main emphasis in such practices is precisely on how to open the chakras, as well as on further work with them.

According to the yogi system, there is a kind of pillar of chakras in the human body, and without working with one it is impossible to work with the other. In the Chi Gong system, the concept of chakras is also present, but in a completely different form. Although the differences in systems are very obvious, the total number of chakras is the same. There are seven of them in total: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara. The yogi system also has a mythical eighth chakra, the opening of which makes a person equal to God. Regardless of which system you use to develop yourself, you will have to work with all chakras.

If you are just starting to work on yourself, I recommend that you start with the Muladhara chakra. She is responsible for manifestations of animality in humans, as well as for sexual activity. The abilities that the Muladhara chakra bestows are also associated with savagery, aggression, and sexuality. But if you want to open this chakra, you will have to work hard. This does not mean that everything will go smoothly with the others. No, each chakra needs an individual approach, but the principles of operation are similar.

There are many exercises, as well as exercise systems, that teach how to open the chakras. The most famous systems include the same Tsi Gong, especially soft styles, such as the snake style and the iron shirt. You can also use the Indian yoga system; in this system, each chakra has its own set of exercises that are designed to teach you how to open the chakras one by one. If you are interested in opening only the Muladhara chakra, it is better to use yoga. If my memory serves me correctly, the cycle of exercises is called Muladhara yoga. I will not list any exercises or exercises, but I can only indicate the direction.

Everything is different for each person. Yoga is more suitable for one person, chi gong for another. It is also worth noting other development systems. These include the Gymnastics of Hermes, the creation of which is attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. This system can be attributed to the ancient Egyptian one. This is a very effective and efficient development system, I can’t say that it is better, but I won’t say that it’s worse, it’s just different. Also, do not forget about the yoga of Tibetan monks, namely the Eye of Renaissance set of exercises. In its essence, this complex is something between classical yoga and qi gong.

However, it is worth noting that, unlike yoga, all other systems are not so strongly tied to the chakra system; in these systems, the chakras are pumped independently gradually and one might even say almost simultaneously. This does not mean that the Muladhara chakra will not be open, it will be, but there will not be a special emphasis on it. It’s also worth making a very important note. Do not think that working on yourself begins and ends with repeating strange exercises of meaning that you do not understand.

First of all, this is work on oneself, not only physical, but also spiritual and energetic. The exercises themselves will not give you much, so to achieve results you will have to read the relevant literature. Personally, I can advise you to read books such as: Necronomicon, Forbidden Texts of the Ancients, Vedas, the Bible. And the most important thing in all this is constant and hard work, so if you still decide to open the Muladhara chakra, you will have to work.

Man is a delicately constructed creature. In addition to the daily needs for food and a decent standard of living, he needs to replenish his internal energy. Chakras are invisible energy centers that are responsible for the balance of mental and physical health. But what if these centers stop working normally? What influences this?

What are human chakras?

From Indian Sanskrit, the word “chakra” is translated as “circle”, “mandala” or “wheel”. It is believed that energy centers look like circles within which energy rotates. Psychics indirectly confirm this version. Many of them see peculiar energy clots in people in the form of vortexes of energy, and they rotate like wheels.

For uninitiated people, subtle structures can be called chakras - conductors of energy from the outside world. They are not visible to the eye, they are not detected by devices, however, they represent a single complex system capable of self-regulation.

Where are the chakras located?

In total, a person has about 120 chakras located in different parts of the body.

Of these, yogis identify 7 main chakras, which are closely interconnected. Each is responsible for its own area of ​​the body. At the bottom of the lower back at the level of the tailbone, the root chakra is responsible for energy, at the level of the navel - the sacral chakra, right above it - the solar plexus chakra. The heart chakra works near the heart, and the cervical chakra works in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. The parietal and frontal chakras “work” on the head.

Some experts add 4 more chakras to this list. They are located in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms, but are not the main ones.

Each chakra has its own color, smell and belongs to its own element (earth, water, fire or air).

What are the chakras responsible for?

  1. Peace of mind.
  2. Human health.
  3. Experiences.
  4. Emotions.
  5. Fears.

How chakras work: the principle of absorption and emission of energy

The main task of any chakra is to receive for a person the energy that the outside world emits. Energy, entering through the chakras, begins to move through the human energy channels and disperses through the subtle bodies throughout the body.

The work of the chakras can be compared to the nutrients that enter the body with food and through the circulatory system they are delivered to each cell. In fact, energy is the same food for a person, so his health directly depends on what quality it is.

Where does a person get energy from?

  1. From Space.
  2. From people close to you (there are donors who give energy, and there are vampires who absorb it).
  3. From nature.
  4. From objects.

For successful work, the chakras must be open, work harmoniously and harmoniously. Any malfunction in at least one chakra immediately leads to an imbalance in a person’s life: health problems arise, he will begin to get nervous and worry.

If several chakras go astray from normal operation at the same time, real chaos can reign in life and it will be very difficult to correct it.

However, every person, if desired, can learn independently control the work of the internal “wheels” and draw energy in the direction he needs. The main thing is to know the meaning of each chakra and understand: what benefits its work and development, and what spoils and destroys everything.

What chakras are responsible for: the meaning of each human chakra

Name and location. What does it correspond to? Harmonious physical development (deviation) Harmonious spiritual development (deviation) How to develop

Base of the spine (where scientists believe humans had a tail many centuries ago).

Color - red, stone – ruby.

The chakra is responsible for coordinated work immune system, musculoskeletal, s and human possibility to have children. The opportunity to have healthy children, prosperity. If the chakra malfunctions, a person loses the will to live, often gets sick and gets tired quickly. Study patience, punctuality, be disciplined.

Area of ​​the navel and genitals.

Stone - amber, color – yellow, golden.

The chakra helps fill and make your intimate life brighter, sex, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. If the chakra malfunctions, a person may experience problems such as gluttony, obesity, impotence. The joy of food, love, entertainment. When deviating, a person becomes an adulterer, he is characterized by intemperance and gluttony. Observe moderation in food, entertainment, do not change sexual partners. Modesty in desires and asceticism help to open the chakra and experience pleasure more acutely.

In the solar plexus area.

Color – fiery, yellow. Stones – topaz, amber, tourmaline, citrine.

Regulates work endocrine system, intelligence, gastrointestinal tract. The ability to earn money, the desire to improve. With an open chakra, a person is characterized by honesty, generosity and endurance. Be humane, love people, the ability to forgive weaknesses and mistakes.

Heart area.

Stones - rose quartz, aventurine. Color - green.

Establishes activities cardiovascular system, circulatory system. Develops heartiness love, the ability to live in harmony with the world around you, with yourself. To love and protect loved ones, animals, nature.

Throat area.

Color blue, stone – aquamarine.

Responsible for the functioning of the ear, nose and throat. Insufficient development leads to hearing disorders, frequent sore throats, and disruptions in the hormonal system. Develops sociability, helps develop fine taste, ear for music, put a good voice. Be truthful, try to speak a little, but to the point.

In the area of ​​the "third eye" (between the eyebrows).

Color - blue, stone - tourmaline.

Responsible for the nervous system. Deviations in work are fraught with blindness, mental illness, and neoplasms in the body. Responsible for intuition, the development of intellectual abilities and erudition. Disruption of the chakra leads to life in illusions, “rose-colored glasses”, impracticality and weakness of character. Listen to your intuition.

In the back of the head.

Stone - diamond, color - violet.

Responsible for mental balance psycho-emotional health. Responsible for kindness, warmth, and the ability to forgive. Try to develop spirituality and compassion.

How to open chakras?

As we have already said, any person can learn to independently organize the work of all their chakras. To do this, you need to learn how to cleanse and open them: the process is not easy, not at all fast, but quite accessible with some diligence.

The following help to open the chakras:

  1. Yoga classes.
  2. Meditation.
  3. Healthy and active lifestyle.
  4. Moderation in food.
  5. Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  6. Physical exercises to train strength and endurance.
  7. Breathing exercises.

Only comprehensive measures and constant work on oneself will lead to a person’s chakras opening, and he will learn to fully control himself.

Many spend long months and years on this, achieving harmony through hard work. But as a reward for efforts, a person gains fullness of life, the ability to enjoy even the most insignificant events in life, physical and moral health. Everything is in your hands, health and harmony to you!

Useful video about chakras and their meanings

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