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A technique for visualizing desires. Five rules for visualizing desires

“Know that incredible possibilities lie dormant within you, which can be directed to the fulfillment of any of your desires. Awaken them and direct them to achieve their goal..."

Napoleon Hill

Our internal energy is capable of working miracles. Don't believe me? Then you will continue to live in the same apartment, saving until you pay, trying to lose weight or get healthy. It's time to believe in yourself and your abilities! Let's learn how to visualize desires and how to properly materialize thoughts.

To make sure that this technology works, I’ll tell you the real story of my friend Veronica. She couldn't get pregnant for 3 years. At first, my husband and I actively tried to make a baby: a healthy lifestyle, vitamins, a trip to the sea. But a year passed and there was no result. This was followed by examinations by various doctors. It turned out that Veronica and her husband are completely healthy.

And then our heroine plunged into psychology and began to study questions about how to learn to visualize a mental representation. The discovery for the woman was the fact that she didn’t really want a child. These were just words. True desire is always associated with an idea. For the first time, Veronica thought about what kind of baby she wanted to give birth to. Who will it be: a boy or a girl? What will his appearance and character be like?

Our heroine herself transformed her fantasies into reality. She had a strong feeling that the baby had already come into her life, that he was already nearby. The woman found a photograph of the baby she dreamed of and began to admire it at every opportunity. At the same time, Veronica stopped focusing on ovulation days and a healthy lifestyle. She lived every moment the way she wanted. I no longer bothered my husband with these questions. After this, relationships in the family became more tender, and a frozen intimacy awoke. After 3 months, the long-awaited pregnancy came, and then a baby was born, who was very similar to the imaginary picture.

Who is visualization suitable for?

Visualize means creating in your imagination the desired image of an object, object, or event. Most often in practice, visualization of desires and thoughts is used. The main thing in this process is the person’s faith that these events will come true. Let's consider the capabilities and limitations of the visualization method. Thanks to the material embodiment of ideas in life, a person is able to:

  • manage ongoing events;
  • fulfill your desires;
  • achieve challenging goals;
  • to be healthy;
  • find happiness;
  • create and strengthen a family;
  • have children;
  • become financially independent;
  • achieve career growth.

These are extended results that are specific to each specific need. For example, to improve their financial situation, a farmer will not think about money, but will imagine that the cows’ milk yield is increasing, they are healthy, beautiful, and an excellent harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers is ripening in the greenhouses. It is easier for a person to imagine an abundance of food than a wad of money. And this presentation will provide much more than just a pile of pieces of paper. In addition, the harvest brings a lot of positive emotions and pleasure, and having money can cause fears (it will be stolen, where to hide it, etc.). Restrictions and prohibitions:

  • Prostration. This way of achieving what you want will not work if you are sick and emotionally exhausted. A person must be full of strength to create his life!
  • Eco-Friendly Rule. You cannot want something for yourself at the expense of other living beings. Before you make a wish, think about how your life will change when your wish is already realized; will its fulfillment harm someone in this world?
  • Drop the particle "not". Unconsciously, our intuition does not know how to distinguish between words and “not”. For example, you give yourself the attitude: “Don’t be fat.” The brain discards the first two letters, and now you have gained extra pounds again. You should choose affirmative words to wish for what you want. In our case: to be slimmer, more attractive, to gain beautiful shape.
  • Positive attitude. Your idea should cause you only joy, emotional uplift, pleasure, happiness. If negative feelings arise spontaneously, then the desire is false or formulated incorrectly, it should be changed.

You must approach working with your thinking after a certain check of your state and intentions.

Visualize what you want step by step

In order for the result of translating thoughts into reality to come sooner, we offer you step-by-step instructions on the topic of the article. These steps are pretty simple. You can get what you want just as easily. Take action, don't put it off until tomorrow!

Step 1: Creating an intention.

This word differs from the concept of “goal” in its energy component. To intend is to be ready to do something, and to set a goal is to conceive, to achieve. In the first case, a person is actively involved in the matter, in the second, he thinks and analyzes more. Visualization works more on a subconscious level. Here, unnecessary thoughts will cause doubts and fears. You don't need it. Write down your intention for yourself in the present tense. For example: “I am giving birth to a healthy baby,” “I am the head of the sales department,” “I am completely healthy.”

Step 2: Immersion in the image.

Throughout the day, morning, afternoon and evening, imagine yourself in the desired image, paying attention to all the details. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine that you have already received what you wanted. What do you look like, what are you experiencing, where are you, who is next to you?

Step 3: Abstraction.

You can’t focus too much on your desire. Psychologists say that he should be released into the sky like a balloon. As soon as a person shifts his attention to only one dream, ordinary life is disrupted, the reserves and strength to fulfill his plans are lost.

Why is there no result?

Many people are skeptical about psychological techniques for working with the inner world. Distrust gives rise to denial of the result, doubt. Let's look at possible mistakes in the process of materializing thoughts and ways to correct them:

  • “I won’t succeed!” Self-doubt takes away the strength to realize your dreams. You should first develop adequate self-esteem, and then start working.
  • "I'm not worthy of this." These are complexes regarding one's inferiority. If a person thinks about himself this way, then he will not be able to create an intention; there will be no clarity in the formulation.
  • “I want everything at once!” Such “hurryers” must learn patience and acceptance that everything in the world is realized in its own time. If the Universe does not give you what you have in mind, then there are no conditions yet for you to wisely use what you dream of.
  • “Let them help me!” Shifting worries onto others is a sign of an infantile personality. Grow up, take responsibility for your actions and desires.

Clear confidence in getting what you want and the knowledge that you deserve it is the key to success!

Techniques for making dreams come true

There are specific methods for materializing thoughts, which we present to you with a list with a brief overview:

  1. Cinema. Imagine having your own cinema hall. What does he look like. Come up with one. In your cinema, you are the only spectator. Make yourself comfortable. A film related to achieving your desire will be shown on the screen. Look at yourself and enjoy. Come up with different stories and watch such films every day.
  2. Ladder of achievements. Draw a ladder of 10 steps, where the first means the beginning of the path to your plan, and the last means the achievement of your desire. Notice where you are now. Describe your emotions and what has already been done to realize your thoughts. Think and describe what will happen to you on the next step. Do this work to the last edge of the staircase, where you describe your condition in the realized dream.
  3. Diary of introspection. Get yourself a notebook or notepad where you will make notes regarding the implementation of your plans. You don’t have to express the state in words, but draw it in the form of images. This activity will help you understand that you are moving in the right direction.
  4. Subject association. Once you have formulated your intention, find an object in your environment that will be associated with your desire. For example, if a woman dreams of having a baby, it can be not only an image of him, but also a keychain, a doll in the shape of a toddler, which can be carried with her.

Dear readers! In conclusion, I would like to praise you for your self-development and desire to improve your life. On our website there are many other thematic articles that will not let you get bored and stop the interesting process of working on yourself. Read, try methods of psychological work on yourself, share the results in the comments.

Perhaps the time will soon come when visualization of desires and how to correctly materialize thoughts will be taught in school. Today we are still like children in this matter: we try, we make mistakes, we redo it. But the more valuable is the result of our efforts - the desire that we ourselves created and brought to life.

Who wouldn't want to have their wishes fulfilled? Every person has goals that he could not achieve for a long time or that he had been nurturing for a long period, and now wants to begin to realize them. Psychologists focus on the importance of correctly visualizing desires in order to take effective actions towards their realization. There are several techniques on how to visualize correctly in order to move faster towards your goals.

Who doesn't have goals that they've already tried to achieve but didn't succeed? In order not to give up and not doubt the possibility of achieving what you want, you need to clearly understand what needs to be done. You need to not only want, but also correctly imagine what you want. This is what specialists from the online magazine site call visualization of desires, when you, even at the stage of forming and gestating a goal, correctly imagine it and scroll through it in your head.

Recently, there have been many ways to clearly formulate and present your desire. We focus on what really helps in achieving the goal. And we will start with the fact that first you need to clearly imagine and understand your goal in order to know what needs to be done to achieve it.

What is desire visualization?

Visualization of desires is a popular technique for achieving goals, which is offered by many successful people. Its meaning is that a person watches a short film where he is already living the life he dreams of.

A distinctive property of visualization is that:

  1. A person imagines his desire as having already come true. He does not dream about what he wants, but already lives in what he previously wanted and has now achieved.
  2. A person imagines himself in his desire. He already lives in what he has achieved, clearly sees his goal and feels all the fruits of it.

Visualization not only allows you to clearly imagine what you want, but also to live in it. Psychologists note that a person achieves what he wants only when he consciously and subconsciously feels that he will live comfortably in new circumstances. If the consciousness can want something, then the subconscious can resist if it feels some discomfort, unusualness and forced tension, if suddenly a person achieves the conditions that he dreams of.

Both the conscious and the subconscious must want to achieve a certain goal. This can only be done through visualization - when a person closes his eyes and imagines how he is already living in the life where his desires are achieved. The more and more often a person replays his desire in his head and the more vividly he imagines it, the more the subconscious gets used to it. Now, if a person really achieves what he wants, his subconscious will feel comfortable, since the new environment will be familiar to him.

Thus, with your visualization, you force your own subconscious to get used to the conditions that will arise when you achieve what you want. Another plus is added to this: by clearly and colorfully presenting your desire, you allow yourself to adjust it.

Often people first begin to dream about something, forgetting about the accompanying circumstances that may arise. For example, a woman may dream of marriage, forgetting that her husband needs to cook and constantly please sexually. A man can dream of owning his own business, forgetting that business needs to be done overtime and even at night. Every desire has its own negative sides, which a person usually forgets about while he is dreaming about something.

Since the subconscious mind knows about the negative factors that a person will face if he achieves what he wants, it will force him not to achieve the goal. To come to an agreement with your own subconscious, you need to see in your plans not only the good, but also the bad, and you need to get used to the bad, consider options on how to eliminate it, or adjust your own desire and even abandon it.

If a person clearly imagines himself in a realized desire with all its advantages and disadvantages, then he will be able to understand what needs to be changed or abandoned in his goal. By turning over in your head only what is truly desirable and comfortable, over time the subconscious will get used to the new life and will not resist achievements.

Visualizing desires requires imagination. It is difficult for those who are poorly developed to use this technique. After all, the main rules of visualization are:

  • Clearly and vividly imagine yourself in a life where your goals are realized.
  • Feel with all your senses the life in which your goals are achieved.

For the visualization technique to be successful, you should know all the rules for its implementation:

  1. Eliminate the particle "not". You should only imagine what you want to have. Don't think about what you don't want or what you want to get rid of. Imagine only what you want.
  2. If you don’t want to, just live. By visualizing your desires, you don’t want to live the life you want, but already live the way you want. In your imagination, you are already living the way you dream of.
  3. Imagine yourself in the main person. You are not an outsider in your ideas, but are the main participant in all events. When visualizing, imagine the pictures as if you are already living the life you want, and not from the outside watching what you would like to have.
  4. Use all your senses. Visualization includes all your senses: you must see with your eyes, hear with your ears, taste and smell, feel with your skin the life where your goals are realized.
  5. Imagine a short film of your desire. Your visualization should include some specific frame of your goal that you need to achieve. You don’t need to think about your goal, imagine it clearly and clearly in a realized form.
  6. Think about ways to achieve what you want. While you are visualizing, that is, already living the life you want, look back at the past and answer the question: how did you achieve what you wanted? Of all the options for achieving the goal that pop up in your head, choose the one that is the most comfortable and least expensive.
  7. Experience the positive. As you visualize, positive emotions should naturally arise within you. If they arise, then you imagine what you desire. Otherwise, your subconscious will resist any achievements for now. Your desire should inspire, not frighten or unpleasantly worry.

Vision board

A good option for visualizing desires for those who have a poorly developed imagination is a vision board (or map). This is a visual representation of what you want to achieve. Take a large plane with blank paper in size A3 or larger, after which the following are glued onto it:

  1. Your own photo is in the middle.
  2. Around the photograph there are pictures of those objects that symbolize your desire: if you want to buy a car, then paste a photo of the model and color you dream of; if you dream of love, then paste a photo of a loving couple.

On the board you can place several pictures of what you dream about. They can include areas of life such as love, work/business, finances, friends, leisure/recreation, health/sports, etc. Around your photo, place pictures from newspapers, magazines or printouts from the Internet of the things you dream about .

If you don't want anyone to see your vision board, then you can create an electronic version of it. The main condition is that you must periodically look at your vision board, no matter in what form you create it.

When fulfilling desires, the following principles also apply:

  1. Your board should be bright and memorable.
  2. Your desires should evoke only positive emotions.
  3. Create associations. For example, choose music for each desire, so that every time you listen to it, pictures that are important to you pop up in your head.

Each wish that you pinned on the board needs to be given a few minutes of attention. Create a calm environment, turn on appropriate music and begin to visualize first one, then another desire. It’s good if your desires are compatible with each other, overlap and not mutually exclusive. In such a situation, you can dream about everything at once in one big picture of your future.

Simoron of wish fulfillment

There is a separate school “Simoron”, which teaches people techniques for making wishes come true. The word “Simoron” itself means nothing. Therefore, you should pay attention to the postulates that it offers to everyone who wants to achieve their goals:

  • Imagine that you are swimming not in water, but in money. Techniques for achieving wealth.
  • Imagine that you and your partner are boiling in the same way as the kettle that is on the stove. Techniques for achieving love.
  • Write on the tape the past you want to forget about. Tie the ribbon into a knot, and after a day, throw it into the garbage chute.
  • Speak short or compose quatrains where you pronounce your wish as if it has already come true. A technique for setting yourself up for a life where your goal is realized.
  • Get rid of all the things that are taking up the space where your desire should be. The so-called ridding of the closet of junk. If you want to get new clothes, then you need to throw away the old ones. If you want to meet a new loved one, then you need to say goodbye to your ex-partner.
  • Get a “magic notebook.” Write down in it what you want to achieve, and when you achieve what you want, be sure to express your gratitude to the notebook for helping you achieve what you want.

How to ultimately achieve the desired goal?

The visualization technique allows a person to perform many actions at the same time: check his desire for importance and necessity, adjust it even before it is achieved, feel all the delights and disadvantages of a new life, and also agree with his subconscious that the desire really needs to be realized . As a result, achieving the desired goal with the help of visualization becomes much easier.

The main principle here is that what a person focuses on is what he receives. It is important not only to clearly understand what you want to achieve, but also to constantly pay attention only to what corresponds to your desire and contributes to its realization. If you think about what you don't like or what you don't want, then you get the opposite of your goals. You should always think only about what you want and pay attention to what helps you achieve your goals.

“If something is going to happen, then it will definitely happen”, “If you are afraid of something, then it will definitely happen”, “Predictions always come true, especially if they predict bad things.” Why do people believe that bad things will definitely happen, but if they are told about a good future, they doubt it? As it turns out, this is the program of modern society: people believe that bad things will come true, but they no longer expect good things from life, and that’s why they doubt it. And they always find evidence of this in real life. And indeed: there are many cases of how bad things often came true, and good things only sometimes. Why is this happening?

In fact, a person sets himself up for the fact that bad things will definitely come true, but good things are not necessary. What you believe will happen. And if you believe that good things will not come true, then this may happen, just like your belief in the inevitable realization of bad things. You set yourself up in a certain way, when bad things must come true, but good things are not necessary.

Conclusion: You will achieve what your attention is focused on. If, having heard about an upcoming bad event, you believe that it will happen, then you will get the corresponding result, since all the forces and actions taken will be aimed at making sure that everything happens. And if you doubt the realization of something good, you will again direct all your efforts to accomplish another event. According to your faith, you act, and through your actions you already receive the result in which you believed. Therefore, believe in the good, even if you are told otherwise. Only you can decide what will happen, because a lot depends on what actions you take in a given situation.

All people have some desires. And we all want our wishes to come true in life, and ideally as quickly as possible. But not everyone knows that very often the reason for the failure to fulfill desires lies within ourselves - namely, in the fact that we do not know how to correctly formulate them and send them to the Universe. To comprehend the art of visualizing desires and understand how to visualize correctly, you will need to read this material.

Visualization is the process of creating images of what is desired in the human imagination. Visualization is one of the most powerful and at the same time easiest to implement tools to achieve your goal. It does not take up a lot of energy and time resources, while allowing you to achieve amazing results if performed correctly.

Secrets of successful visualization

Using the following useful tips, you will understand how to visualize correctly in order to attract the desired objects, people, things into your life - in general, absolutely everything that your soul desires.

Rule one. Competent wording

The more correctly you formulate your desire, the faster the Universe will hear it and the sooner it will begin to come true. If you set very vague and non-specific goals, then the chances of them being fulfilled are reduced to zero.

It is important that you know for yourself as specifically as possible what you would like to receive right now. Therefore, right now, without delay, begin to formulate what you want. In doing so, observe the following rules:

  • desires should relate only to the present time;
  • they must be devoid of negations and the words “I want”;
  • It is important that the desire is as specific as possible.

You can follow the following example: “I am receiving a gold bracelet as a gift.”

The word “receive” refers to the present tense (necessarily not to the past). And the word “golden” specifies your goal as much as possible. That is, you let the Universe know that you do not need jewelry, not a silver item, but gold jewelry.

Rule two. "Visualize the end result"

You will be required to fully focus on the final result, that is, on that time period when your desire has already come true, you have achieved your goal, and were able to make your dream come true.

Try not to get hung up on how your dreams will come true. It is not for nothing that they say that the Ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and the Universe is full of various blessings and riches. And she knows best what will be best for you, even if you have a completely different opinion. Don't try to limit the Universe by focusing on only one way to fulfill your dreams.

And by fixing your attention on the fact that the event has already happened, you automatically activate the Law of Attraction, which begins to attract into our lives what we are focused on at a given moment in time.

Rule three. You need to immerse yourself in the situation itself, and not be on the surface

Another rule of successful visualization is complete immersion in the situation. To do this, you need to place yourself on the internal screen of the created image. Then you will turn from an outside observer into a direct participant in the situation.

Remember that you should not be a spectator, but play a major role in your “work”. The effect will increase many times over if you experience all your emotions as if they had already happened in reality.

For example, your desire may sound like this: “I have an ideal figure” (if your desire is related to getting rid of excess weight. Then mentally you need to see your body without any visible flaws. Imagine how you, for example, acquire a beautiful clothes several sizes smaller than you currently wear.

Rule four. "Video is more powerful than a picture"

There is a division of imaginary mental images into photos and videos. This means that you can see the final result either as a stable picture or as a video clip. It has been proven that the effect of a picture is weaker than that of a video.

Therefore, your task will be to create a short video material in your head in which your dream has already turned into reality. Think of your goal as something that has already been achieved. How will you behave at this moment? Will you feel an explosion of positive emotions around you, will you scream with satisfaction or act in some other way?

Here you can not be modest and show your imagination to the fullest. To this end, being in a quiet and calm environment, think about your dream. About its implementation. What will you do when it comes true? Where will you be? Will you be alone or with someone? Who will you share the good news with first? Be sure to add all your actions to an imaginary video clip regarding the realization of your deepest desire.

Rule five. "Use all your senses"

For a wish to become a reality, a certain amount of energy is required. Now it’s no secret to anyone that everything around is formed by energy, including human desires. And if you want your still mental dream to come true in physical reality, you will need to spend a certain amount of energy. To put it another way, this will be a kind of energy payment for realizing what you want.

Nothing can compare to an increase in energy like emotions. It is emotions that are the most powerful catalyst that activates the process of realizing a dream. Therefore, when you visualize your desires, you need to turn on your emotions to the fullest. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal and made your dream come true! And this is a reason to turn on the fun, start to rejoice, have fun, sing, dance - in general, enjoy life to the maximum.

Try to experience all kinds of positive emotions. To do this you will need to connect all your senses. If your goal falls into the material category, touch on it in your video. If you can smell it, do it. Consider it in the smallest detail. Add sound to your dream video, let it be as realistic as possible and as similar as possible to your everyday reality.

In this situation, you simply will not be able to restrain your emotions and you will not need to provoke them artificially. When your video clip is filled with positive emotions caused by the realization of your desire, you will be able to make significant progress in approaching the desired moment.

Rule six. "Repetition is the key to success"

If you resort to visualization only a few times, you are unlikely to achieve success. The process of visualizing what you want is a useful habit that must be acquired or developed. And in order to develop a habit, as you know, you need to repeat the same actions over and over again.

Interesting fact. Any action that is repeated twenty-one to forty times automatically turns into a habit.

Therefore, if you dream of something coming true in your life, you will need to make it a rule to regularly visualize your dream. To this end, you should constantly replay the compiled video in your head as often as possible during the day. At least twice a day - once in the morning and once again in the evening.

In this case, the morning is the most suitable time for practice. After all, at this time a person is filled to the maximum with energy, emotions and vitality. By the evening, we already waste most of our energy, but before going to bed, our subconscious opens up and you can easily put into it the invented “story of how your dream became a reality.”

Use visualization as often as possible throughout the day, every time you have a free minute of time. And, of course, do not forget that the more difficult and unrealistic your goal is, the more repetitions you will have to perform to achieve it.

Rule eight. "Hook for Consciousness"

Every time you need to activate your visualization, create for yourself a special anchor-beacon for your consciousness. For this purpose, you need to capture in your subconscious any frame from the mini-movie you created. Let this still frame be especially bright and etched in your memory. You can even call it something for greater convenience. When every opportunity arises, you will need to evoke this frame in the subconscious, it will begin to automatically trigger the “vision”.

And as a separate picture, such an anchor will help you detach yourself from what is happening around you and find yourself in a positive mood. The process will work this way: you remember the anchor-beacon, as a result of this, the process of automatic visualization begins, positive emotions are highlighted, your mood improves, and as a result, you are one step closer to your dream!

Now you know how to correctly visualize your desires so that they come true in reality as soon as possible. We wish you success in this difficult task, and we also suggest that you finally watch an interesting and useful video on this topic:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Visualization is almost the only true way to fulfill and realize desires, which I know and love very much. In fact, we never stop visualizing, we can just do it purposefully, attracting the desired reality into our life, or we may not even realize it. Well, for example, when you want coffee or chocolate, at that moment a corresponding picture always appears in your head or the taste and smell of what you want is remembered. But you don’t have to put in any effort, it happens naturally and easily. Looking back, I understand that I attracted a lot of events and things into my life precisely through unconscious visualization.

But not everything always happens naturally and, encountering various obstacles on our way, overcome by fear and self-doubt, we, in most cases, give up the desire and decide not to think about it, so as not to remember our failures. Sometimes a fleeting thought “Oh, if only...” flies by and life goes on as usual. But this is where you shouldn’t give up, but on the contrary: a dream can be materialized only if you think about it, imagine it and be on the same wavelength with it.

There are many nuances to proper and effective visualization. The main thing is not to give up at the very beginning, you need to get used to the process and disconnect from distracting thoughts, fears and doubts. You should not be afraid of the first failures and wrong steps; in this matter, perseverance is extremely important. When I started using visualization, my thoughts kept wandering in the wrong direction, and I was never able to draw a clear picture in my mind. Then I started visualizing after or during meditation. I just lay down, closed my eyes and let the thoughts flow freely in my head, and when my mind calmed down and my consciousness cleared, then I imagined and dreamed as hard as I could.

“Desire is the name of a river in which instead of water there are dreams, instead of will there is thirst, a crocodile of passion lurks in it, and crows of worries circle above it, it washes away the roots of the tree of courage, it is full of deep and difficult to avoid whirlpools of illusions, its banks are strewn with sharp rocks of anxiety; only those who crossed it rejoice.” [Bhartrihari]

At that time, I really wanted to have a dog and I decided that I would start by fulfilling this very desire. After reading reviews and advice, I began to draw my future ideal pet in my head with encouragement and enthusiasm. The first time I realized that visualization is a very difficult thing. To begin with, you need to very clearly define the object of desire. For example, I didn’t care at all about the breed of dog, I just wanted something fluffy. Therefore, each time I had different pictures and slides. This only confused and interfered, I often hesitated. Then I began to be overcome by doubts about the effectiveness of this method and the reality of what was happening. But having pulled myself together, I decided to decide on a specific breed. I remember that at that time I devoted almost all my free time to sites and forums about different dogs. In order not to miss the opportunity, I decided that I would represent not just a picture with a puppy, but myself and my feelings as a person who already has a dog. So, during the next visualization, I thought about where he would sleep, where to put his bowl, where to store his toys. Then I imagined myself choosing a leash, collar, etc. And you know, the more I thought about it, the more actively reality answered me:
I met people walking puppies more often, although before that there were significantly fewer of them;
several times I received a gift in the form of a stuffed dog, just like that, without any particular reason;
the guy I was dating at the time started talking more often about how we could get a puppy;
and the most important thing was that a friend advised me to watch the movie “Hachiko” with Richard Gere, and it was with this film that I clearly understood what kind of dog I wanted.

And after that everything became simpler and clearer. Now I not only imagined myself with a puppy, but also tried to feel the warmth of the fur when touched, its weight when you hold it in your arms, even its smell. Over time, my visions became more realistic, and at the end I felt satisfied and smiled. For me, this was an indicator of the success of the visualization.
The whole process took me 7 months, at the end of which I had the chance to quickly and unexpectedly earn a decent amount of money, and no expenses were expected. And it was the breeder that I had my eye on on the Internet who offered to buy me a wonderful puppy and even reduced the price a little. That's how I became the proud owner of an equally proud Akita Inu.

Of course, a lot of time has passed since then and I learned to realize my desires much faster with the help of visualization, but it was this experience that helped me learn important lessons for myself, understand where I made mistakes and how to avoid them in the future.

Rules for effective visualization for fulfillment of desires:
1) It is necessary to be a direct participant in the visualized situation and dream in the first person. Everything should be like in real life, i.e. It’s absolutely not worth looking at yourself from the outside. If you watch what is happening as a spectator in a movie, and not as an actor, then this is exactly what will happen in life: you will see how your desire is fulfilled by others. Visualization is a preliminary version of reality, as you imagine it, so it will be realized, maybe not with all the details, but the essence will be the same.

In one of my first visualizations, I imagined myself in a dress and shoes, in which I would go to a graduation ceremony and amaze everyone present with my excellent appearance. But due to my inexperience, I saw everything through the eyes of an observer, I saw all the details on myself, but at the same time I was, as it were, outside my body. Needless to say, I went to that meeting dressed completely differently, because at the last moment I had very large expenses and I simply didn’t have enough money for what I dreamed of. To top it all off, my disappointment knew no bounds when first one of my former classmates came in that very dress, and then another in those very shoes. Having realized and accepted my mistake, I imagined myself admiring my reflection in the mirror and photographs in this outfit. A week later, I already shone in this dress and shoes at a friend’s birthday, and money came to me in the most unexpected way in the form of returning a debt (long forgotten as deeply hopeless).

2) The picture presented should not be static; you need to replay a rather dynamic movie in your head. Relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself with your desire already fulfilled and watch what happens. What's happening now? Are you feeling good, are you smiling? Look around, what is the situation there, what is in front of you, behind you, to the left and to the right? What color and shape are the surrounding objects? Do they even exist? Think about who you will share your joy with, how you will talk to them or call them, or write on social networks. Just mentally walk through your imagination and fully enjoy the fulfillment of your desire, immerse yourself in this feeling. If after visualization a smile appears from ear to ear and a feeling of warmth in the heart area, then everything went correctly and reality will soon materialize this dream.

When I visualized successfully passing the state exam, I imagined everything in great detail: I thought through my appearance from my hairstyle to my shoes; wallpaper on the walls of the room and blinds on the windows, instructive inscription on the university blackboard; a bouquet of flowers on the examiners' table, water bottles and plastic cups on all tables; the number of tickets and how they will be stored; the examiners themselves and their appearance; myself taking a ticket and saying its number, a feeling of joy from the fact that I got the easiest questions and I even know that I will definitely pass it perfectly; how I write abstracts of answers, click on a calculator and look at my fellow students next to me; challenging me to answer and my brilliant performance, few additional questions and delight of the teachers; how I leave the office and call my parents one by one to tell them everything in detail; As everyone’s grades are announced and mine, naturally, makes me very happy. At the end I was always filled with joy and a sense of satisfaction. I started visualizing a couple of weeks before the exam and did about four such visualizations. What a delight I was when the real bouquet of flowers was almost identical to the imaginary one, the brand of water was the same, one of the examiners was dressed exactly like in my imagination, and the ticket number corresponded to what I wanted. As soon as I saw him, I felt so at ease and comfortable that I very quickly wrote an answer and volunteered to answer. My fear of performing seemed to disappear, and in its place was an unshakable confidence. Of course, I passed with flying colors and received a lot of praise.

3) It is not enough just to look at an imaginary reality; it must be felt by all other senses. This way it will become much more realistic and will give you much more faith in your own success. Stop and pay attention to the aromas and sounds coming (the smell of flowers, gasoline, perfume, baked goods, music, the noise of cars, people's voices, the patter of their feet, etc.). Touch the surrounding objects, examine their texture and contents. When dreaming about a wedding, money or travel, you can imagine the roughness of the paper from which the marriage certificate, bills, checks, vouchers and tickets are made. To include your sense of taste, you can remember your favorite drink or dish, or even better, tie them to the plot of the visualization. It will be very difficult at the beginning, but with practice it will even begin to be enjoyable.
I remember that when I visualized a trip with my fiancé to major European cities, I imagined not only the preparation process and the trip itself, but also the touch of the keyboard when searching for information on the Internet, eye fatigue from spending too much time at the computer, the texture of plane tickets , the sound of a suitcase being zipped up, the noise of an airplane and train, the taste of food and drinks on the plane, the sound of steps along the main streets of cities and the sound of stones flying out from under our feet, the cries of seagulls and the sea surf, the warmth of the sun's rays and raindrops on your skin, kisses and the touch of a loved one, a flash from a camera, etc. The trip was wonderful, there were no delays anywhere, the weather was amazing, and much of what was imagined came true, even the taste of our favorite national treats.

4) To easily return to the plot of your visualization, you need to fix one slide. This could be a particularly memorable moment or something significant to you. You can describe this slide in a notebook, find a similar image or photograph and carry it with you or hang it anywhere. It could also be a smell or a melody. All this will help not only to easily return to the visualization itself, but also during the day, when you are overcome by fears, doubts and other negativity, just remember or look at your slide and your mood will instantly improve, faith will return, and very soon your desire will will catch up. You can create a special vision board in material form or electronic on a computer.

Personally, I always use different things as such a slide and, basically, they come to me on their own during visualization. At the very end, when I have already opened my eyes, there is always some vivid memory of the desire itself or the sound and aroma associated with it. For example, for a wedding wish, I put an image of the newlyweds’ hands with wedding rings on the computer screensaver, and also created a folder with a selection of beautiful wedding dresses, bouquets and interiors. The favorite song of my then future husband reminded me of the first dance of the bride and groom; it was to this song that we danced in my visualization. I set it as an alarm on my phone to start the day with a happy feeling. This wish came true in a very funny way: I helped my friend’s boyfriend prepare a marriage proposal for her, but it turned out that it was all planned by my fiancé, and in the end I was asked to get married to the tune mentioned above. Moreover, the husband does not know why he chose her, he simply says that this was the only point of the entire event that was not in doubt. Three months passed from the decision to start visualizing the wedding to the most cherished proposal, during which I never even gave my boyfriend a hint about my desire.

5) Let go of the desire. This means not giving up on it or completely forgetting about it, but stopping worrying about whether it will come true or not, and not checking every minute how things are going. After all, if you break your arm or get seriously injured, you won’t be constantly tearing off the bandage or taking off the cast to make sure everything is going as it should. You just know that everything is healing and you wait patiently for it to heal. So here, you don’t need to be afraid or choke yourself with your control, just visualize and have time to act when what you want begins to materialize in the surrounding reality. This means not weighing the pros and cons, or calculating the likelihood of it coming true, but taking some steps towards your dream (learning about possibilities and options, paying attention to life around you, agreeing to something new and unknown, being happy and grateful for your life and people in it).

For example, in such cases, I prepare my space for the appearance of a visualized desire in my life: I make room in the closet for new things; I buy a keychain for car keys and a cover for a driver’s license, sign up for driving courses, go to car dealerships and sit behind the wheel of different cars to feel everything down to the smallest detail; Wanting to lose weight, I specifically pay attention to smaller size clothes and try them on (and even buy them); when thinking about a new home, I buy new trinkets for it or do something with my own hands; Wanting to learn to swim, I clear my schedule for swimming lessons in advance and immediately buy everything necessary for this; dreaming of new furniture, I go to furniture showrooms and stores, getting acquainted with the assortment, materials, color schemes and other options. And this helps: we bought an apartment on very favorable terms for us, in an excellent area and with good neighbors; My husband and our parents gave me a car, and that very cherished one; recently updated most of the furniture; I learned to swim in literally two lessons, and this was due to my childhood trauma; My closets are simply bursting with things, and the most interesting thing is that I bought a lot of things at the most tempting prices or received them as gifts; The problem of excess weight has not bothered me for nine years now, and I eat like two hungry men.

6) Visualization should become a regular habit, preferably daily. To ensure that the feelings and emotions that arise are just as sharp and fresh every time, you can add new details or continue the development of the plot for as long as you like. You can visualize at any time and it has no time frame, the main thing is the final feeling of satisfaction and warmth in the chest or solar plexus.

Desire visualization map
Instead of text, I post a video. In it, Diana briefly and concisely outlines the essence of visualization.

Before going to bed, I always visualize my wonderful next day, setting my energy up for success and positivity. I try not to plan because I don’t like schedules, but if there are obligatory events, I imagine their successful outcome. But for visualizing desires, I leave the morning or afternoon so that I can be cheerful and pay enough attention to all the details of my dreams.

If you follow all the rules and take into account all the nuances, then any desire can really be realized with the help of visualization. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your capabilities, not to be afraid of obstacles, but to know for sure that it is impossible not to overcome them. I sincerely hope that my advice and my experience will help fulfill all your desires and bring joy and harmony into your life. Visualize, do not stop improving this process, develop your imagination, and then everything will definitely work out.

How to realize your deepest dreams? Learn the rules for visualizing desires!

Using the rules for visualizing desires, you can improve your health, change your appearance, acquire certain character qualities or get rid of those you don’t like, attract desired situations, find new acquaintances and friends, improve your financial situation and much more!

How to achieve all this?

Visualization is the creation in the imagination of images of the desired reality. This is one of the most powerful and simplest tools for achieving goals, which does not require a lot of time and effort.

First of all, you must decide on the desire that you want to visualize. It should be clear, formulated without the particle “not”.

Right: I want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Wrong : I want not to smoke.

When you have decided on your desire, take a comfortable position (you can lie down), relax, close your eyes. It is best to do this after waking up or before going to bed. While in a relaxed state, adhere to the following rules.

Rules for visualizing desires

First rule of visualization

Don’t imagine a picture - create a complete illusion of what is happening!

Right: if you want to visit a certain city, imagine yourself walking along its streets, visiting exhibitions, clubs, bars (or those places you want to visit).

Wrong: you want to go to Paris and in your dreams you only imagine the Eiffel Tower¹.

Second rule of visualization

Be the protagonist of your dreams, not a bystander!

Right: if you want to buy a car², imagine yourself in its showroom. See everything with your own eyes. Touch how the seats feel, feel them with your own hands. Be a participant in events, not an observer. You must visualize the dream in first person.

Wrong: watch the purchase of a car from the outside.

Third rule of visualization

Connect all your senses!

Right: smell the aromas around you. Listen: is music playing in your imagination? If yes, which one? Feel the weather if you are outside. Maybe it's raining and you're wet? Or are you hot? Listen to what people say, say something yourself.

Touch everything that is around you. If you wish to receive some thing, examine it all: texture, weight, color... If it is something intangible, for example, a marriage certificate, checks, money, vouchers, tickets, etc. - touch the result and drink a cocktail, feeling it taste in the smallest detail.

Wrong: just imagine a certain picture without feeling any emotions at all.

The fourth rule of visualization

Remember the visualized frame and constantly return to it!

Right: visualize buying a car in great detail and repeat it every time before going to bed.

Wrong: every time change the car brand, its color, price, place of purchase, etc.

The fifth rule of visualization

Visualizing your desire should become your good habit until your dream comes true!

Right: Every evening (or morning, whichever is more convenient for you) imagine the fulfillment of a specific desire.

Wrong: engage in visualization without desire, just for show, irregularly.

Sixth rule of visualization

Think about ways to achieve your dreams in your favorite ways, and choose the most pleasant one!

Visualize the way to achieve what you want that you like best. Create a strategic plan in your mind and follow it in daily visualization.

Right: if you want to get promoted, mentally complete extracurricular tasks, come to work early, do work that is not your job, work hard, attend conferences and seminars.

Or write down on an imaginary piece of paper items that will help you move up the career ladder, and mentally complete them as you visualize your goal. Then imagine how your boss tells you about your promotion, feel the emotions of joy that you will experience at that moment.

Wrong: imagine that you received a promotion without any effort on your part.

The seventh rule of visualization

Energize your visualization³!

Right: burn inside with your desire, live it, feel positive emotions that give you energy and inspire you. Believe in the fulfillment of your plans.

Wrong: do not believe in realization, do not feel any emotions when practicing visualization. By following these simple rules, you can achieve everything you want.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The Eiffel Tower is a metal tower in the center of Paris, its most recognizable architectural landmark (Wikipedia).

² If you want to buy a car and also attract wealth into your life, the experience described in

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